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CONGRATS TO @EmmaBadilla for guessing the person correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was Justin Bieber.................and unfortunately it still is.  Now please pray for me not to throw up while typing up anything about him.    NOW ONTO THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Val's POV

I stared at Justin Bieber with shock and disbelief.  "WHO THE FUCK INVITED JUSTIN BIEBER OVER TO ARYA'S HOUSE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I roared again for the second..............or third time today???????  Liam came running over clamped his hand on my mouth.

"Hello Justin.  Thanks for coming over so quickly.  The rest of the boys, Ed, and I will be over there in a second." Liam told Justin Bieber politely, despite the fact that I was twisting and turning trying to get away from Liam. "Zayn, Harry, Louis?  Could you three take Ed and Justin over to our home?  I'll be over there in a moment." He waited patiently for everyone to leave the house to let go of me.  I leaped away from him.  I take a deep breathe and try not to act too angrily.

"Why is he here?  Above all people, why does it have to be him????" I ask Liam.

"He's a good friend of Niall's.  He'd be glad to help Niall get rescued." Liam paused for a moment as he walked past me to leave to his home. " There are more people coming.........about half of them are girls and if you don't mind, I was thinking that you could let them stay here for now.  And personally.  I agree with you.  Justin's voice does sound more like a girl's voice." He said and then he left.  I turned to look but at Daniella and Eleanor who hadn't said a word as far as I know since Justin came.  I froze and notice that no one was in the room other than me.

"Daniella??????  Eleanor??????" I ask the air as I call out to them.  Two ear pircing screams come from the hallway by my guestroom. "DANIELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ELEANOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell as I race into the hallway.  A snarl greets me as I freeze in place with fear.  A pair of blood red eyes stare back at me from the darkness.  The Vameroul's body was faintly outlined through the dark hallway.  Two limp bodies were laying on the floor.  I take a step back and bump into something hard and fury.  A steam of hot breath smelling of rotten flesh flooded the air.  The creature behind me starting growling quietly in a horrifying way.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I screamed into the air praying that anyone of the guys would hear me, "LIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A solid object hit the back of my neck.  Things went blank in the blink of an eye.

Blake's POV (*gasp* who is Blake!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I know who he is..... but can you guess???)

I swung my hand towards the girl's head.  I looked over to Wilson. "Hurry.  Before someone comes." I growl to him in our natural language; a complicated mixture of growls, both high and low pitched.  He growls in agreement.  I hoist the black haired girl on my shoulder.  A horrible stench fills the air.

"Werewolves." Wilson growls.  I scooped up the other girl with frizzy curly brown hair into my other arm before I blast down the hallway with Wilson close at my tail.

"Break down the door." I growl at him.  He nods in agreement before he kicks the door once and flies of its hinges. "Hurry before any of the werewolves show up." I grunt to Wilson as I lead the way to the secret passageway to get to The Notyada (not-ya-da).  (WHO ARE THE NOTYADA!?!?!?!?  I KNOW BUT YOU DON'T!!!)  I take a single step before something slams into me knocking me off of my feet.  The two girls fly out of my arms and land somewhere behind me.  I blink my eyes open to see a girl standing there.  She had short blond hair with layers on one side of her head.  She wore a tight leather outfit.

"I gotta love being a vampire sometimes." She said with a lazy grin.  Her blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she charged towards me.

Wilson's POV

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