She hung you in a tree?

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Arya's POV (Point Of View)

"Awwww!!!  Look at them!!!!!!  They look so cute together!!!!!!!" A high pitched voice that sounded surprisingly like Valerie"s.

"Shut up Val." Someone who sounded suspiciously like Louis whispered-yelled at her. "You'll wake them up." I groan as I try to bury my head deeper into my pillow.  WAIT!!!!!!!!!!  Scratch that as I try to bury my head into Zayn's shoulder.

"I'm gonna take a picture.  It's gonna last longer." I think I heard Harry say.

"No, we should wake them up now." Liam says.  I could recognize his voice anywhere because he is sooooooo strict.  I hear a small chuckle in the background.

"But Liammmmmmmm." Louis starts to whine.  Yup Louis is whining.

"Well you guys already woke me.  And I've just been sitting listening to you guys bicker." Zayn says with a yawn.  I could feel his chest move as he spoke.

"Now all we have to do is wake up Arya." Liam decides.

"I say a no go.  I repeat I say a no go." Val says coming to my rescue.

"Shut up you guys." I moan as I bury my head in Zayn's chest.

"She will go ninja on you.  I have experience with this and let me tell you.  You will be hurting the next day in some way.  One time she got pissed off with me because I woke her up.  I passed out with fear because of how pissed off she was.   Then when I woke up, I was in the middle of the woods that are by our houses.  I was tied to a tree about 50 feet above ground.   Arya didn't come back until about one or two hours after I woke up.  When I asked her where had she been the entire time, she told me that she took a nap." Valerie tells them.

"She did all of that just because she pissed off that you woke her up!?!?!?!?!?!?  And when she finished she went back to sleep!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I thought I was the worst person in the world when someone woke me up!!!!!!!  Damn!!!!!!" Zayn says as he shakes his head.  Okay.  I'm starting to get pissed off now.  I want to sleep.  They aren't letting me sleep.  I'm gonna give them a warning.

"SO NOW WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?" Louis screams out causing me to get pissed off.

"SHUT THE HELL UP I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  UNLESS ANY OF YOU WANT TO BE STRANDED IN THE WOODS ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!!!!!!  SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at everyone.  They all flinch back at my sudden outburst.  I lay my head back down on Zayn's chest even though he is still in shock from my outburst and close my eyes.

"Someone needs to carry her inside of her house." Val whispered quietly barely making any noise.

"I got.  Can one of you guys open the door for me?" Zayn asks keeping his voice quiet.

"I open it.  Come on." Val says as I think she walks away.  I start to slip into a dreamless state of mind.  It's like I'm half awake and half asleep.  I felt myself being picked up and who ever picked me started to move.  I gently brushed past some stuff.  I soon fall in the true wakes of my dreams instead of the dreamless state that I had previously.

Louis' POV

Zayn just walked back into the house bring back the memories of Arya's outburst.  We all were stunned by Arya outburst.  It did add onto Val's story, but I didn't believe it.  She was telling the truth Louis.  You know how we can tell these things.  Liam told me.  I groan.  We werewolves are telepathic.  If you don't know what that means, then it means that we can read someone who is our pack's thoughts and feelings.  Liam, Harry and I are a pack who are best friends with not one but two vampires.

I wasn't asking you Liam.  I snap at him.

Louis calm down.  You can't morph in a house.  Remember what happened when you morphed at Eleanor's house.  Harry said jumping into mines and Liam's conversation.

The telepathic can be annoying sometimes.  I say annoyed.

You got that right.  Harry agrees with me.

But anyways before we got off topic.  Louis, if you truly don't believe that Valerie was telling the truth, then you can try to wake her up yourself.  Liam tells me.  Harry and I are in shock.  I can feel Harry's shock flowing freely out of his mind.  I snap out of my shock and I run to Liam's room and look at him straight in the eye.

"Are you serious?????" I ask him in disbelief.

"Did I sound serious????" He shots at me.

"So gonna let me do that!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I ask him excitedly.

"It's your funeral." Liam says before he picks up a book and starts to read.  I smile evily as I leave his room.  I have to start getting things ready.  I glance at the clock and see that it's 11:24 PM.

I'm gonna wake her up at one in morning.  I think to myself as I rush away to start grabbing things that I'm gonna wake Arya up with.

-------12:59 AM-------

I stare at Arya's sleeping figure.  I'd set up 20 alarm clocks around her.  They were all set up to go off at the exact same time.  I also stole Liam's, Harry's, Zayn's, and Niall's ipod and their phones.  I made an alarm set to go off at one AM with the loudest music that they had on their electronics as well.  So all together I had 30 alarms for Arya to wake up with.  I smiled to myself.  She wasn't gonna do anything to me, especially with my wolf on guard.  My wolf and I share the same body but not exactly the same mind.  My inner wolf way just like a person with all of the personalities and more anger issues.  If we both got too upset about something, the boom.  My wolf pops out no matter where I am.  So us werewolves have to learn how to control our anger, because if we don't, then our wolves would pop out at least once a day.  I glance at one of the clock that counted the seconds as well.  I smile to myself once again.  IN TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE......


Another part done now.  I will try and post up the next part sometime this week, but no promises.  Shit is about to go down at my father's house and I can't bring my laptop over to my mom's house because my dad hates her.  I'm gonna be at my mom's house for the entire week until next tuesday to be safe from my dad's wrath.  He'd gonna be pissed because my mom sent in something the asks court for my full custody.  Right now my parents have a joint-custody and my mom's not happy with how my dad's been acting recently and now she asked for my full custody.  SOme just hope that I write some more before I leave my dad's house.  That's all I have to say for today sooooooo


                              Zayn        <3

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