Our 'special' guests are beginning to arrive

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Val's POV

"So about how many people did you call??????" I ask Liam.

"We each called four people..................or groups of people.  But not everyone could come, so we should have about twenty or twenty-five people coming over to our homes." Liam guestimated (Guess + Estimated= Guestimated) for me.

"So where will they be staying at????" I ask Liam again.

"If you don't mind, I was thinking that maybe the girls could stay at here meanwhile the guys stayed at our place."

"But I don't live here.  Do you want me to act like I do?"

"No we'll tell them when they get here."

"When are they going to get here?"

"Most of them will get here today. But a few of them will get here tomorrow."

"How do you know most of these people that you're getting to help us?" I ask Liam.  He freezes for a second before looking up at me from what he was doing.

"We know them from what we did before we came here.  We wanted to take a break from our old lives.  So we moved here and we planned of staying here for the next few months or something like that before we got back to our jobs." He said slowly, gaining confidence at the end.

"Ok if you say so but how are we going to hide all of this???" I ask Liam, gesturing to the destroyed living room.  The wooden floor had been scratched with Arya's claws.  There was dried mud everywhere.  The couches were all turned over with mud splattered on them.  There was some dry blood on the filthy blankets that Arya used.

Liam frowned for a second before he called out, "ZAYN!!!!!  HARRY!!!!!  LOUIS!!!!!" The boys scrambled to him. "I need guys to clean up the living and the rest of the house.  Louis and Harry, don't throw anything away or stuff it somewhere.  That includes the draws.  I wanted the couch cleaned and all of the blankets washed.  Then blankets are to be folded and put away.  NOT STUFFED INTO THE CLOSET *cough*Harry and Louis*cough*"

"AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!  BUT THAT'LL TAKE TO LONG LLLEEEEYYYMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry and Louis cry out in near synchronization.

"Poor you guys.  Now start cleaning." Liam roared at the two of them, causing them to jump into action. "If you push them the right way, then they'll be scared into doing something." Liam told me as Harry and Louis scrambled away and started to clean.  Zayn had already started to clean while Liam was talking to Harry and Louis.  The couch was spotless and standing upright.

"It wouldn't be very nice if you let them clean up all by themselves." I suggested/told Liam..............who didn't get my point.

"They'll survive.  I have other things to do." Liam said, about to walk away.  I grabbed his ear and yanked him down to my height.

"Liam." I say with authority in my voice. "I said, 'It wouldn't be very nice if you let them clean up all by themselves.'  That means  help them clean up. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I roared in Lima's ear.  He jumped up and followed the boys.

"Wow.  You just told Liam what to do. I can't even do that and I'm his girlfriend." Danielle told me with surprise and shock in written in her voice.

"A little birdie gave me some advice on how to get people to do what you wanted them to do." I replied to her with a smile on my face. "And look at the house already.  The boys clean up really fast.  I guess it helps to have a vampire helping to clean up." I noted as the boys raced around the house.


The doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I said, while skipping to the door.  I opened the door to find a ginger haired man.  He was maybe 5' 6" or 5' 7".  His eyes sparkled a light blue.

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