The Rection..........NIALL!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Arya's POV

The vamerouls who carried me out of the prison room place, began to walk in synchronization, as if they were stepping in time to an invisible beat.  They move forwarded slowly.  With every step that they took, a worm of fear wiggled around my stomach, growing bigger with every step they took me closer to the Emperor.  I looked around the grand room that we had enter.  A big glass chandelier hung in the middle of the room.  Painting hung on the walls of different Vamerouls, but all wearing the same exact piece of clothing.  Gold, silver, and frescoes filled the rest of the room.  The frescoes on the ceiling seemed to tell a story.  Moving from one scene to another.  The big fresco that caught my attention was one of a dragon.  A city was far away, safe on a small mountain or cliff thing.  It's lights glowed through the dim light.  A grey dragon stood at the edge of a cliff.  It's wings were outstretched as its hind claws dung into the the edge.  The dragon was letting loose a torrent of flames from its jaws.  My heart and Sasha wanted to reach out to the dragon the seemed to be in pain to our eyes.  In the scene beside it.  The dragon laid in a small watching the city that had once been on a small cliff grew out into a large island with black and white forests surrounding the larger city. The dragon had grown larger, staring wistfully at the city, but unable to move at all.

"My King!!!!!!!!!!!" A loud voice called out breaking my trance that the two images had put me in. "May I present the werewolf....." The voice paused for a moment before continuing to finish off his sentence. ".....and the vampire that is coming from the Eastern Black Forest." The loud voice called out once more.

VAMPIRE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  Sasha and I yelp mentally simultaneously.

"Have the metal cage ready to intercept the vampire." A loud, commanding voice echoed through out the room.  A Vameroul walked over to a section of the room and pressed a hidden button.  A section of the ceiling opened up and set down a metal cage.  Sasha and I stared at the iron doors the were being left opened for the vampire to get inside of.

Niall's POV

I raced ahead faster than I'd ever ran before.  The calling was too strong to even think about ignoring.  The land that the shift-through-space took me to, was strange.  Black trees grew every where.  It's black leaves permitted few rays of sunshine to get through.  I burst through a black shrubs and raced into a beautiful cities with only one flaw.  There were Vamerouls every where.  The Vamerouls that pasted by me as my instincts guided me, didn't even seem concerned that I was here.  The all seemed too at ease.  Gates were being opened for me as I passed by.  My instincts went wild and goaded me even faster ahead when we reached a two large iron doors.  As I raced past them, at an even faster speed, the shut behind me the second I in completely.  My body ahead without any falter, until I slammed into metal bars.  I groan as I fell back and heard a door shut behind me.  I blinked open my eyes as a voice cried out near me, "NIALL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Zayn's POV

"So now what do we do?" Harry voiced the question that was on all of our minds.

"We honestly don't know.  We never thought something like this would happen." James shrugged.  We all stiffened as we heard a knock on the door.  James stood up and walked over to the door.  No one stopped him from opening the door.  A Vameroul stood there.  It was easy to tell that she was a female because of how her body was shaped.  She was skinnier than a normal Vameroul people see.  Her thighs were larger than normal.  Her fur was more elegantly combed than a male's matted fur.

"He's gone, isn't he?" She asked sadly.

"Yes.  I'm sorry Lisa.  He was going wild after a werewolf.  The werewolf was badly hurt and then she disappeared later after Cliff attacked her.  Just now another one of her friends disappeared in the forest as well." James told her gently.  She gasped and her eyes widen in shock and fear.

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