I began to leave the gym. "I'll think about slowing down to your speed during the game, Rin." I said smiling and waving back at him.

"Aki, you piss me off almost as much as that blonde cockroach."

"You actually said my name?" I said dramatically.

He clicked his tongue and looked away.

"Afternoon training is about to begin. Please gather at the meeting room."

Once we got there, Ego came out and greeted us.

"Hi there, team Blue Lock. How's your first day of the final training camp going? Your bodies are provably awake by now. Next, we'll wake up your brains. Let's talk about 'a formula for miracles' and the name of his phenomenon is 'flow'. I'll teach you a method of burning your life force that's indispensible for the world's best strikers,"

"Flow is a state of mental immersion acquired through one's own optimal experience. There are times where people are so focused that they forget time and experience a trance state. Simply put, that's what flow is."

So he was right after that match against Team B. It was flow.

"This mental state can occur in sports, including football. Think back to times here when you've broken through your shell. I'm certain you've experienced it. And instant where you offered up everything to a play."

So that 'reawakening' I had in that 4v4 was a bit of flow?

"How is it that people enter this flow state? There are several conditions but the way I want you to think of it, is as 'challenged-based concentration'.  Look at this chart. This shows the balance between 'challenge' and 'ability' that's necessary to enter this flow state. Basically, it means that humans are unable to enter this state while in a state of boredom or anxiety. Plays that seem miraculous from the outside are all born from various flow states. Now you lumps of talent, remember the meaning all of you have experienced so far in Blue Lock and how far you all have come. You've accumulated minor successes, studied yourself, experienced the world, and learned of yours own powerlessness. Now when you consider the goal of defeating the U-20 Japanese team do you feel bored, or anxious?"

Hell no. It's a challenge that's at the perfect level!

"You get it now right? Up against the U-20 team, the eleven of you who stand on the field on gameday, must enter flow to open the door to victory. Now to prepare Team Blue Lock, when this final training camp ends, all of you will diminish the status quo of Japanese football and rise up as a new generation of egoists. The world is waiting for your goals."

I began to shake out of excitement. I couldn't wait for the game to start. This hunger is starting to grow bigger and bigger and I can feel that it's close to getting out of control.

We went back to our training and this time I went to the field. I had Chigiri, Zantetsu, Nagi, Raichi, Reo and Isagi defend against me as I tried to get past all of them.

Once it got stolen or cleared, we would restart to the first defender and I'd try again.

Everyone else except for me and Raichi got too tired to continue so they took a break.

I would almost always get past Raichi but he would hold onto me no matter how hard I tried to get away.

I even used my acceleration weapon and it was useless because he always caught up. That's when, out of nowhere, I was able to accelerate with every touch of the ball.

It wasn't that I got faster with each touch but it was the same burst of acceleration with each touch.

Why did I never think of that? Was it because I'm stronger now compared to before?

"What the hell is that Aki!?" Raichi said behind me.

"It just happened. I honestly didn't know I could do that." I said, puzzled.

"Woah that was cool." Nagi said.

"Yup yup, it was like boom boom boom." Bachira said.

"Like what?" I laughed.

"Boom boom boom!~" He sang.

"Did you just evolve Aki?" Isagi asked me.

I shrugged. "I guess so."

"That ain't no 'I guess so'! You're not supposed to escape my grasp!" Raichi yelled at me.

"My bad~" I said.

I honestly can't explain it though.

"Ima go to the gym, see yall later." I said waving.

"Bye!" Isagi called out.

This time, I worked on my upper body strength. I needed it to get around defenders while pushing them back.

I finished my sets and walked to the cafeteria.

I wonder if my parents will get to see me play? I mean, it is us against the Japanese team so there must be some broadcasting.

What will it be like though? To walk on the field going against the U-20 team, Sae and Shidou? Thinking about it is getting me fired up for the game.

The rest of the 2 weeks flew by.

And now, it was the day of the big match.

I got my lunch and sat by everyone.

"It's game day! I can't wait to start playing!" I said enthusiastically.

"Me too. I don't think any of us are nervous." Isagi said.

Everyone shook their heads, agreeing with him.

"I wonder what's gonna happen when we win?" I asked.

"We're gonna be stars!" Igarashi said.

"Yeah, we are." I teased.

Everyone laughed with Igarashi.

"You got jokes huh? Just you watch me rise up! Amen!" He said.

We all talked amongst each other, talking about our social life, hobbies, favorite things, home life.

At the end of lunch, I saw Kurona sitting by himself.

What's he doing by himself?

"Yo Kurona!" I said, walking to him.

"Hey Aki. Congrats on making the Blue Lock Eleven."

"Thanks man! I have no doubt you'll make subs."

"Well I only did enough to coexist with my team, so maybe."

"Oh ok. When we win let's hang out." I suggested.

"Alright. I'll give you my number later."

"Ok, see you later Kurona."

"Bye Aki."

I think Kurona is the kind of person to enjoy alone time but doesn't mind being around people. He's definitely hanging out with us whenever we get the chance to leave here. Hes a cool guy.

I left the cafeteria and went to my room. I stretched for a couple of minutes and took a nap for a few hours.

My alarm woke me up and I got up and went to the locker rooms of the field in the middle of Blue Lock.

Everyone else was coming too so I was right on time, thankfully.

While we were changing, Bachira came up to me and Isagi.

"How do I look?" He asked us, pulling on his shirt.

"It suits you. It's the first time I've felt so nonchalant about Blue Lock uniform." Isagi said.

"Yup. It's like our time has finally come." Bachira said.

We really get to play the U-20 team.. we've made it to a crazy place huh?" Chigiri said.

Nagi spoke up, "But today isn't the end. It's just the beginning for us."

"Of course. This is our debut to the football world." I said.

"Yeah." Isagi said.

Sorry for the massive amount of dialogue.

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