Chapter 24 Confession

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Athena's POV

No way, Romeo says crossing his arms over his chest to appear intimidating, it never works.

Yes way, or so god help me Romeo! Your way isn't working now it's my turn.

Romeo grumpily steps back knowing he won't win this argument and allowing me access to what's left of the man.

What's a women like you gonna do that boss can't, one of the men that is guarding the prisoner says. I quickly turn around pivoting on my foot and throw my knife right beside his head. As a warning a cut the tip of his ear, I only give warnings once.

That was a warning shot, disrespect me again and that knife will puncture your skull, I might be a women but that doesn't limit what I can do. Now take your sexist bullshit and shove it up your ass. I hear Dante laughing his ass off in the corner while Romeo looks like he'll kill the man himself.

Are you really gonna let her pull that shit boss?! The man says bringing his finger to his bleeding ear.

Say something like that to her again and I'll blow your head off, she is much nicer than me. I wouldn't have given you a warning, Romeo says in a cold stoic tone.

I grab a different knife and push it to my finger. It's dull I couldn't even draw blood, it's perfect.

I walk over to the man tied to the chair. Are you gonna tell me who you work for or am I gonna have to cut it out of you?

I hear the guard gulp.

I'll never fucking tell you, your just a skanky whore he spits.

Ah so we get to do it the hard way, my favourite. Since I got kidnapped I haven't been able to kill, it's time for the reaper to come out and play, since there's people around me I can't pull The Reaper card out but I can still have fun.

Romeo do you remember the day you sent those knuckleheads to follow me?

Yeah, how could I forget. Romeo says chucking.

Well a little nickname I've inquired is the Red Devil.
Ring any bells?

I see the guards mouth  drop open, if only he knew who was behind the mask of the reaper.

Time for play time. I slash off the mans pants from about his thighs down.

I turn back around before I start. You boys might want to turn around, it gets pretty gorey right about now , I didn't earn the title red devil for nothing.

I'm sure you can't do anything that I haven't already seen love.

I thought by now you would know not to underestimate me Romeo. Well don't say I didn't warn you. I bend down and bring my knife to the man's leg and start cutting about a centimetre thick pice of skin off his leg. I hear his blood piercing screams fill the room making me smile uncontrollably. I chose this dull knife knowing it'll only be more painful.

You fucking sociopath! the man tied to the chair yells.

I go back to his leg and start cutting a new area of skin off.  So are you gonna tell me yet? I ask with a evil grin as I see him question his opinions.

No, he says unsure of his answer.

Wow is that the best you've got? Okay here's what's gonna happen if you don't tell me who you work for right now I'll take things up a notch.

I'll never fucking bend over to you, you fucking daddy's girl. After his comment I feel hot rage fill me, just then I plunge my fingers into his left eye socket, pulling out his eye. I hear Dante throwing up behind me and Romeo gagging.

He probably screams for about a minute before he pauses and starts again. Then I plunge my fingers into his second eyes, pulling if clean out it's socket.

I sorry sir but can I excuse myself, I hear the pussy of a guard from before ask.

You can, come back in after for clean up, Romeo says.

I turn behind to see Romeo and Dante facing the wall, Dante's still throwing up.

After I few minutes the screaming stops. I walk over to him in hopes he's finally given up.

I bring my knife to his throat, if you don't tell me I will make sure you don't die so I can torture you for weeks on end, this is the least of what i can do.

I'll tell you! he says frantically. I work for Kingston Russo. Will you please have mercy on me, please! I feel almost at a loses of words, the saddest part is that I totily believe him.

No, I say stabbing the knife trough the bottom of his mouth. He quickly dies, leaving another's life on my hands, it's not like it bothers me though.

You boys can turn around now I'm done.

Fucking hell Athena, Romeo says his face going a little pale.

I gotta go before I vomit again, Dante says emphasizing again. 

I can hear Romeo talking but I can't really register it. I step towards Romeo and immediately feel a sharp pain in my ribs. I start coughing into my hands and feel something wet  in my palm. I pull my hand away to see blood in a puddle in my hands.


I mean that was fucking amazing , I hear Romeo say.

Romeo, I say a little more desperately but he still continues to talk.

So what do we d-  Romeo! right before he can finish his sentence I yell once again. This time he stops blabbing and looks at me. I lift up my bloody hand to show him. He immediately freezes as his eyes go wide in realization.

Fuck, fuck! He yells. Dante! Dante! He yells freaking out. Dante comes rushing in and Immediately looks around for the cause of the problem. I show him my hand and he quickly realizes what's wrong.

I need you to call the doctor immediately and get the car ready! Romeo comes running over to me and puts my arm up around his neck as we start walking towards his car.

He sets me down on the passenger side and waits for Dante before driving off.

I don't remember much off the car ride, I was in and out most of the time. everything looks king of fuzzy and bright. The next thing I know now I'm laying down on a bed where everyone one is yelling beside me. The last thing I remember is Romeo trying to hold onto me before Dante and the doctors pry a screaming Romeo off me.

Thank you Sm for reading, sorry for the shorter chapter:( if you ever wanna talk just message me privately❤️ so what do we think is gonna happen with Athena's brother? Writing a new book that will be coming out soon!

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