Chapter 6 siblings

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Athena's POV

Really Athena Zane practically yells while giving me an icey glare with those blue eyes that if you where to stare into to long it would feel like drowning in the deepest part of the ocean .

Well this is my cue to leave ,I say while trying to sneakily move out my seat .

Don't you dare move Athena

I love you Zane I yell while booking it out of the living room through the kitchen making a brake for the stairs to wear all the rooms are .

Athena get your ass back her right now Zane says while running after me clearly frustrated .

You should just give up Athena Kingston yells from the living room .He doesn't even have to see whats going on to understand what's happening.This is pretty usual for me and Zane I do something stupid that pisses him off he gets mad and then I push his buttons pulling stuff like this .I don't know how he survived when I was a teenager.the memory of the shit I would pull come to my mind cause me to laugh so hard my eyes started watering .

What the hell is so funny Athena Zane yells I didn't realize how much he caught up just then his foot slipped on the marble floor causing him to fall to the floor not grasefully what so ever .

Before he can get up I yell ,Noah Nolan now the boys got the hint running into the kitchen and holding Zane down while laughing there asses off .

What the hell are you boys doing holding me down you little fucking traitors !

Sorry brother but she offered us free burgers for a week .

Just then I yell at Diana to follow me .I start running for my life hoping the boys can hold Zane down till I make it to my room .Me and Diana barely make it to my room in time ,looking the door behind us thinking where safe .

Athena open this fucking door right now .

Nope I say while really poping the p in nope .

I swear to god open this dam door Athena or I will break it down

Just do it I hear Kingston yell once again

You will not Zane I'm 23 years old I can kill who ever I want

You are so grounded Athena and actions have consequences.what happens if someone figures out your the reaper ?

Fist all Zane you can't ground me I'm an adult and second of all no one's gonna figure out I'm the reaper and if they do I'll just kill them ,plain and simple.

Killing somone isn't allways the answer Athena a hint of impatience comeing troungh in his voice

Yes it is I holler back while Dina is laughing her ass off beside me .

I'm to tired to deal with this Athena we'll talk about this tomorrow ok Prinkípissa/princess

Ok adelfós/brother l love you goodnight .

I love you to he says while grumpily walking away adding a slight stop to his foot I know by now he doesn't actually mean it though

Zane has become the closest thing I know to a real father well all of us now.He was there when I would cry he was there when I needed to vent about something or even when I had guy problems .Though that was has least favourite subject. Even though he hatted talking about my guy problems he allways listened without complaints.

That's why when he calls me Prinkípissa/princess I've learned it's not meant to be an insult but more a compliment.

I look over at Diana who had a light smile on here face that slowly started to recede

Diana you gotta tell me what happed now I'm worried about you .I try to give her a sympathetic smile while grabbing her hand and closing it between mine .

She looks at me her brown eyes glazing over with unshed tears threatening to fall at any moment .I swear to god when I figure out who is causing those tears I will make their death as painful as possible.

He cheated on me

It took me a second to realize what she just said .


She nods those unshed tears finally falling .I grab her in my arms trying desperately to hold the pieces of my best friend together .Quickly those tears turned into sobs .I swear in that moment a part of my heart beaks for her .I always knew Derrick was a prick unworthy of Dina but at the same time who is ?she is one of the most stunning women I've ever laid my eyes on .She could make a straight women turn lesbian.That was only one thing of her hundreds of quality's .she can work a computer better then ANYONE she's kindhearted ,intelligent ,gorgeous ,witty .there's no such thing as perfect but she's the dam closest thing to it .

I let her cry in my are arms until her sobs slowly start to go into tears and her tears avenchly dieing down completely.

Why don't you stay the night again and Ill grab us some wine and ice cream and me and you can just watch Disney movies all night in our PJ's .

That would be great Athena she says while giving me a kiss on the forehead and slowing releasing my body from her tight grip.

after watching Disney movies for about 5 hours and finishing a bottle of whine and three tubs of ice cream we eventually decide to go to bed but before we do Diana ask me a question .

Hey Athena ?

Ya gorgeous I say while turning my body to her

Tomorrow night you wanna go clubbing at the underground?

You sure you ready for that gorgeous?

I'm sure time to show that bitch what he's missing ,She says with a cocky grin and a wink

Dammit I still have to tell her about Romeo .I guess we'll be seeing each other sooner than we thought .

Thank you for reading I can't wait to release next chapter.If you like this one maybe give it a vote:)

See you next chapter ;)

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