Chapter 17 hurt feelings

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Trigger warning ⚠️ mention's suicide and other strong topics

Athena's POV

I wake up to the orange rays of sunlight projected
onto the room. I Immediately notice the spot beside me that's empty. The space that Romeo would have been filling was empty and cold. I go to the bathroom and try to make myself slightly presentable. I walk out of his bedroom wearing his shirt he let me borrow yesterday.

I see Romeo sitting on the couch staring out the window. He looks as though is mind is infested with unwanted thoughts, juggling from the scowl that laces his lips. I don't think he noticed me so I decided to break the silence.

Good morning. I say I light smile on my lips as the morning sun shines through the blinds.

You need to leave right now, I'll get one of my men to drive you. He says without looking at me still staring outside his words laced with venom. At first I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly.

What? I say genuinely confused. Praying I heard him wrong.

Did you not hear me, you need to leave. My stomach twists in tight knots as I understand what he's saying. His words hit me like whiplash.

Did something happen with your work? That's the only reason I can think he would at like this. Maybe he's just stressed or something.

No , now could you fucking leave?! I'm taken back by his harsh words, a mix of anger and hurt filling the gap where me heart should be.

What's going on with you?! I say staring to get more pissed  off.

YOU, now get the fuck out of my house right now!

He shouts causing a lump in my throat to form making me unable to speak. Tears threatening to fall. I don't move still petrified from his yelling, it reminds me to much of my father. I stand there feeling like a kid again, with my father yelling at me and his weapon of choice in his hand. I can't move everything stops. I feel so fucking powerless once again. When I got older I tried to hide my fear from my father knowing it takes a lot of the fun out of it. Every time I just stood there as he beat me relentlessly with a smile on my face.

He comes over to me and pushes me against the wall. His arm is pushed against my neck making it so I can't breath. At this point I was hoping he would just fucking kill me, I'm not afraid of dying anymore. I'm more afraid of living. I don't see the point anymore. Was there ever one? Because if it was to just go through life feeling the way I do, then I don't wanna be here.

Are you deaf he says pushing harder against my air way making me cough. Instead of crying or screaming or even trying to fight back I stand there completely still with a slight smile on my lips. He would be doing me a favour if he just killed me now. It's not like I haven't tried myself. The last emotion I feel right now is fear.

What is fear? It's when your body thinks something is dangerous and could hurt or kill you. So naturally your body gets afraid when it thinks something could kill it. But I don't fear anything because I'm not afraid of dying, if anything I hope it comes sooner than latter.

I stand there blank face not trying to fight him as my vision starts to blur. He quickly releases my neck looking horrified as his face starts to fold into regret and guilt.

Why weren't you afraid.  I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry , oh my god what I did I do. Romeo says quickly backing away from me staring at his hands.

I be out in a minute, I choke out trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. From the tone of my voice he looks at me worry in his eyes. I must have saw wrong.

I quickly grab my stuff and leave without looking back, despite his desperate attempts to stop me.
I wasn't gonna stay where I wasn't wanted. In all honesty I'm not wanted anywhere. After about 10 minutes of walking the realization hits me of what just happed, sobs start to escape no matter how hard I try to hold them back. It's almost like a coke bottle that been shaken up, once you take the lid off everything comes out at once. I feel the phone Romeo gave  me vibrating repeatedly in my pocket only making matters worse.

I quickly check a few of the resent messages, it's mostly apology's telling me to come back.
I couldn't give a shit what he wants so instead I put it on silent and shove it as far down in my pocket as it can go.

I eventually find a cab and get him to take me home. All emotions are running through my head like a fright train. I just wanna get home to Diana and cry in her arms telling her all my problems she shouldn't have to worry about. It makes me wonder why I'm still here. Why I put myself through this misery called life. I'm so fucking done I just wanna sleep and never wake up.

I've never seen Romeo like that before he's usually so sweet and cocky it was like he was a completely different person. The cab driver pulls up to my house  and lets me out.

The first thing I notice is that it's way to quiet in here. To quiet something's wrong. I pull out my knife the only thing I have on me.

Hello? I say as my voice rings out through my empty house. I can't help but think of the people who ambushed me and Romeo the other night. Did they get my brothers. What if there dead because of me. It's all my fault. Thoughts are raising in my head a mile an hour as worry circulates like a tornado.

I frantically search the house for anyone and find nothing. I've checked every room, I've called everyone and still nothing. Well I've checked all the rooms but one. I stand outside the room I have been avoiding for the last 5 years. I reach for the door knob and turn. The last room is the one my father toured me in for 18 years. 18 fucking years he hit me, kicked me, stabbed, shot, starved, rapped anything you can fucking imagine he did. All up until that one night,

The night five years ago, the night when I finally broke, the night The Reaper became a thing. The night I killed my father five years ago in this room.

Did you guys see that coming?
Hope you liked that chapter, things are bout to get even crazier. What do you guys think about Romeo's behaviour?? Sorry about the short chapter:(

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