lv. spider-menace!

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chapter fifty-five


    "Governments around the world launch investigations into the murderer known as Spider-Man, aka Peter Parker, aka the web-headed war criminal! Who, for years, has been terrorising the decent citizens of New York. Well, now this city and the world see him for what he truly is!"

    Nina hugged her knees to her chest, frowning down at the Daily News report▬Fearful Foursome! Peter Parker's crimes revealed! The newest episode from played in the background of her mind. Her computer sat at the end of bed with J. Jonah Jameson shouting in her face, but she paid little mind to it, her eyes fixed on the photo of herself amongst her friends▬her school photo from when she was a sophomore▬photoshopped as if she had been jailed for her crimes. She held up a small black-board lettered: Hart, Nina like this was some true mugshot and wasn't manufactured to tell even more lies to the already angry public.

    She had started up a pile of which she had collected this morning. She had tried to go to work, but when she stopped by the side of the road to stare at the horrific newspapers and magazine tabloids for sale▬one second, it had been peaceful and quiet, and then the next moment, Nina had been surrounded by people once again. Cameras, shouting, videos and questions▬she had called in fake sick, but she knew her boss understood what the real reason had been ... for that whole encounter was shared all over the internet and on the news: Spider-Man's Girlfriend Spotted Arguing with Local Shop-Owner, they had managed to twist it into.

    And all the while taking the moment to comment on what she was wearing▬they had many words to say about her fashion sense. The next tabloid she had collected was very specific: Nina Hart is Manipulating Boyfriend, Spider-Man! Her Clothes Say So! Says Psychologist.

    It was so ridiculous and so untrue, and yet she couldn't stop reading it. It seemed no one could stop talking about what she wore▬what her clothes said or where they came from. They made fun of her Target love-heart jumpers and said she wasn't well supported by her faded jeans. But when she wore anything else▬like a long-sleeve fitted shirt, all they found interesting was how her figure wasn't perfect, that she 'needed to lose a little bit of weight' or should wear clothes that weren't so 'revealing' to suit her figure. Pages and pages and pages▬photos from yesterday, from this morning, from her Instagram ... Nina now knew she didn't have an hour-glass figure, that she didn't have nice, long legs or was a pretty height. She now learnt that apparently this shade of pink wasn't her best colour and that her Homecoming dress made her look bloated. She learnt her hair didn't frame her face right and it was an ugly shade of blonde. She stared at a picture of herself and now, she couldn't see anything but her small chin.

    In just a day, Nina learnt everything that was bad about how she looked, and nothing good▬a seventeen-year-old girl, just a high-school kid about to start her Senior year. Already, she felt like some animal in a cage, pointed at, laughed at, ridiculed at▬just something to be viewed and she wasn't even old enough to drink.

    She knew that, too, because some other wild internet tabloid found a picture of her having an orange juice drinking competition with Ned (to see who could drink it faster) and used it to say she was rebelling, having a cocktail and drinking underage. A video from when she was fourteen.

    And it hadn't even been a day.

    That didn't even cover the comments she was getting. Overnight, her followers on Instagram skyrocketed. She got messages from people she did not even know▬some were defending her, and saying: We know Mysterio lied! While others pointed fingers, demeaned her and even sent death threats that terrified her. And even still, conversations about her body did not stop in the tabloids▬people commented them in her messages. What were in her direct messages were also spammed in the comment sections of her posts.

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