xliv. nine lives

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chapter forty-four
nine lives

    NEVER ONCE in Nina Hart's life this year so far, would she ever consider using their new friend John Jameson's career to get her anywhere. But she would admit, knowing a famous astronaut and being invited to a lavish celebration that required her to wear nice dresses and drink champaign out of a flute was most definitely a perk from it. To everyone's surprise except for her, Nina grew close with the son of the notorious journalist. It started with hot chocolateshe often made him some whenever he felt a little excluded, or stepped back away from their little group when she was sure their dynamics became a little too much. And then, following that, were their conversations. And those conversations were greatthey were comforting, and they were simple. They laughed at simple things and stories from each other's past. They found out they both used to try and save ants from school childrens' boots back in elementary and had a secret love for comics. Nina once showed him her Spider-Man comics that started coming out after the web-slinger became known within New Yorkfor she always found the best way to support her superhero friend whenever she could. She also tried not to laugh when John pointed out the girl he saved from falling off the Manhattan Bridge was designed shockingly similar to her, having no idea that it had been her. 

    (She was now a reoccurring character, it was sort of cool). 

   She kept fiddling with her dress, flattening the skirt and fixing her straps. So much that Mary Jane ended up lightly smacking her arms to tell her, "Stop it. You look great."

    Nina flushed, brushing her hair off her shoulders and down her back. "Did you have to fall in love with an astronaut?" she joked, glancing around at the gathering they were in the midst of. So many people she would never no personally, but would definitely see on televisionpolitical figures and film personalities that made her hunch up and quickly whisper to MJ: "Was that Brad Pitt?!"

     Her friend chuckled, looking gorgeous in a black blazer over her dress. She had twisted her hair back off her face in a tight, sleek bun, showing off a dazzling palette of eyeshadow that made her gaze glow. She was glowing. Nina has never seen her so happy. Mary Jane linked her arm with hers, "You will be all right, you nerd."

    Nina narrowed her eyes playfully, "Being a nerd and being anxious standing in a room full of celebrities is entirely different."

    "Well," MJ grinned, squeezing her close, "I'm glad you're here. So is John."

    "Which━" Nina unlinked her arm to take her friend's shoulders and say, "speaking of John, you need to go and find him before the presentation."

     Mary Jane pursed her lips. She glanced at the clock on the wall and then back at her. She was a little hesitant, "Are you sure you will be all right?"

     "I'll be fine!" said Nina with a reassuring smile. She ushered her best friend along, "Now, go. You don't want to keep everyone waiting."

    MJ started shuffling back. She kept glancing over her shoulder, as if to check whether Nina might explode if she got too far away, but she just waved at her to get moving and her friend chuckled, rushing away towards the side door. 

    Once she was gone, Nina glanced around, suddenly feeling as if she was about to explode with her nerves. But she just took a deep breath and flattened her dress again, titling her chin up and accepting the champaign glass that was offered to her off a nearby platter. 

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