xiii. adventures with the suit lady

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chapter thirteen!
adventures with the suit lady

"HELLO?!" Peter spun around, very confused. His suit lit up from collar to shoes, following every fibre of faux webbing. He looked up at the sky, behind the trees, down below at his classmates in the pool, but there was no one who could have spoken. He glanced up at the sky again. "Hello?"

"Congratulations on completing the Training Wheels Protocol," said the female voice in his ear. His eyes widened, breath hitching to see his lenses flicker like a television screen━a very, very advanced television screen before they narrowed in, and Peter saw annotations of almost everything around him. He saw what type of trees were planted on the side of the road, what the temperature was, the humidity, even the trajectory angle for a perfect swing from the next building ... even a thermal optics view mode! (What the fu━?) Peter barely even had the capacity of amazement to blink and read every single thing that popped up, "and gaining access to your suit's full capabilities."

"Ah," he felt awkward speaking to what felt like thin air. Peter cleared his throat. He wanted to sound cool for this voice in his ear. Was it from the suit? Does his suit speak? Can suit's do that? "T━thank you."

"Where would you like to take me tonight?"

Peter put his hands on his hips, nodding to himself. He wanted to be authoritive ... wait, can this suit lady actually see him? "I━I put a tracker on someone," he said. That was authoritive ... right? "He's a bad guy."

"Tracker located."

And in his lenses, the world zoomed in around him. Peter felt a fresh sense of vertigo, like he was diving from a very high building. The streets around him upturned like a holographic map, following a line of red that appeared, all the way to Maryland with a little spider-man face tab. Peter grinned at that. "Plotting course to intercept target." The lenses returned to normal, and a small GPS notification showed of a truck coming his way right now. Peter got ready to jump.

"Okay," he told Suit Lady. "As long as I make it back in time for Decathlon, it's fine."

He leapt off the roof and landed onto the back of the moving truck, his feet sticking to the trailer with little problem. Peter watched the motel get further and further away, part of his stomach twisting. "Yeah," he muttered to himself. "Make sure to get back in time ... we have to get back in time so I don't disappoint Nina and Liz. Maybe I should call Nina ... just to let her know I'm not coming to the pool?"

"Nina?" Suit Lady responded immediately. Peter jumped. Okay, he will not get used to that. "Nina Hart. Contact: Nina Triple-Heart-Emoji━"

Peter winced, "Okay, can you━"

"Calling Nina Triple-Heart-Emoji now━"

"Wait!" Peter threw his hands out, shaking his head, "No, no, no, no, don't call━!"

Immediately, Nina picked up. "Peter?"

Peter sat back on the truck, throwing his head to the sky with a mental groan. "Hey, Nina!" he put on his best positive voice.

"Are you okay?" she asked, unsure. "YYou never call me anymore. What's wrong?"

"No, no, nothing's wrong!" Peter quickly assured her. He really hoped she couldn't hear the sound of the truck moving along the road. "I just━uh━just wanted to let you know that━uh━I decided to study in the business centre."

𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮,      peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now