iv. unexpected encounter

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chapter four!
unexpected encounter

     NINA had hit her final straw.

    Surely, life couldn't be this frustrating, right? There had to be some fine-lining that made all the pain and suffering worth the end result? Nina was supposed to be in college, by now. She was supposed to be working towards a major in biology, maybe even double in chemistry. Harry told her that she'd always have a place as OSCORP if she wanted.

    So why was she still here? Why was she still scraping by at Moondance Diner with coffee on her skirt, barely even five dollars in tip money and aching feet?

    She was out that door as soon as her shift ended. Throwing on her coat, a scowl on her faceNina was so goddamn over it all. She had prayed for bigger things; dreamed of them at night in her room. Worked her ass off at school to get college recommendations and still, here she was.

    And she didn't need some heckler rushing after her. Not right now. Not after such a shit day at the diner. Nina needed space. She needed to go home. She needed to sleep


    "Go away!" She snapped without meaning to. Her usual kind demanour was not around at the moment; she just wanted to get home.

    But the young man her age didn't stop. He rushed out onto the road, holding a hand out to the yellow cab as it blared its horn in apology. He hopped along, far fitter than he used to be back in high school. "Hey!" he called after Nina again, estatic to see her. "Nina! Nina!"

    Her annoyance washed away immediately as she recognised the voice. Reaching the sidewalk, Nina spun around and just like that, her face lit up with a bright, beaming smile as she saw the man opposite her. She hasn't seen that brown-hair, that grin, and those intelligent, dorky eyes in far too long.

    "Pete!" she exclaimed. "Hi!"

    Peter Parker chuckled at her sudden change, going a little scarlet, "Hey━"

    Nina shook her head, a little in disbelief. "WhatWhat are you doing around here?" she asked him, chuckling along. He shrugged, waving the paper in his hands.

    "Oh, umah" he showed the paper again, smiling. He stood taller these days. Taller, without those glasses; he looked older, mature. They were not far out of high school, but Peter Parker was already growing into his features like a man. "I'm begging for a job. How 'bout you?"

    Nina's smile faltered slightly. She hugged her coat around her tighter and glanced nervously over her shoulder at the diner behind them. "Uh ..." she pointed, sheepish. Peter followed the gaze of her thumb and his brows rose. But he didn't say anything. He didn't look sympathetic. She appreciated that. "Well ... college didn't go so well. I guesswell, just trying to get there another way."

    Peter frowned, confused. He was gentle in his words. "Wait ... you didn't get in?"

    "No," she slumped her shoulders, annoyed. "I didn't ... it's ... complicated. You don't really seewell," she flushed, angry over it all again. Squaring her shoulders, she met Peter's gaze and said. "They believed thatdespite my marks, and my referencesas a woman, I was not the right choice into their degree."

    Peter Parker slumped with her. His brows lifted. "Oh ..." he realised. He pursed his lips. There was some silence before he decided to say. "You know I could ask Harry, and he could talk to"

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