xv. a long fall

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chapter fifteen!
a long fall

THE CEILING was a ring of burnt orange; steaming, peeling━seared straight through to the cables above like a halo of concentrated ember. The elevator had stopped just below the top floor, and the doors were sealed shut. Nina, her friends, her teacher and the tour guide were all stuck, waiting with bated breaths for what was to happen next.

They didn't know what, they all just knew it wouldn't be good.

"Just ... just stay calm, everyone," managed Liz bravely.

"Yeah," whispered Charles. "Y━yeah, okay ..."

But it was hard to stay calm when the ceiling was burning away right in front of them. Abraham whimpered, letting out a weak, "Oh, we're all going to die here!"

The elevator shuddered once again and Sally April let out a terrified scream, clinging onto Cindy Moon like she was her lifeline. "We have to get out of here!"

"What happened?!" shouted Cindy.

"We're gonna die!" cried Flash.

"It just exploded━"

"━Why is it purple━?!"

"━we're gonna die━!"

"Guys! Kids!" Mr. Harrington held his hands out. He was pale and sweating. Nina guessed he had never been in a situation like this before, and why would have he? It's not every day that the roof and cables to your elevator got exploded. "Liz is right. The best thing to do is to stay calm..."

"Yes ..." whimpered the tour guide, "everybody stay calm ... emergency will be on their way ..."

The elevator trembled. Flash screamed this time. "We're gonna die!"

Everyone panicked, pushing and shoving each other to try and get away from the fragile roof above them. Nina was elbowed and shouldered in places that really hurt. She ended up being squeezed in between Flash and Ned, unable to say anything━or even comprehend what was going on; it was all happening so quickly.

"We're freaking screwed!"

"We're all gonna die!"

"Flash!" Nina shouted, finally managing to get words out of her lips. "Shut up! Everyone, just shut up!"

Surprisingly, they listened to her. She didn't expect it. The elevator fell silent, and Nina stared back at wide, fearful eyes. Even her teacher's. "O━okay ..." she murmured, "... don't move. You'll make the weight unbalanced and we'll fall," they nodded. "Everyone just ... you know ... just stand by the sides of the elevator, level the weight out ..."

Everyone did as she suggested. Nina pressed herself against the wall, as still as possible with Flash and Ned, the former still clutching onto that stupid decathlon trophey. They all watched the roof in absolute horror.

"Okay, guys," said the tour guide now that they were all listening. "I know that was scary, but our safety systems are working. We're very safe in here..."

She didn't sound convincing. Beside Nina, Ned muttered, "We're not safe in here."

"Ned," she gave him a glance. "Shut up."

Nina really wished Spider-Man was here. He'd get them out of here, web them all up to safety, but he was still in New York. She was glad MJ wasn't here, and she was down on the ground, and Peter ...

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