liii. mysterio's last plot twist

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chapter fifty-three
mysterio's last plot twist

    THE PLANE was for once quiet. Instead of the hectic chaos that had been the journey to Italy, the way home to America was spent in an exhausted, but relieved silence. The young teenagers of Midtown School of Science and Technology were dozing off to music in their ears, trying to read their books and watch their movies━wanting more than anything to finally see their family again and to sleep in their own bed under their own roof. Their trip far from home had been something terrifying (and yet in a way, very memorable), but now ... now it was time for it to finally end. Amongst the quiet whispers, the silent naps and a snore here and there, sat a Spider-Man Plush. Hugged close in the centre aisle a few rows down, it was happy to go home, too. It supported some burns here and there that would need to be washed out and maybe some new clothes. On his head, someone had placed a Spider-Man band-aid to cover a slight rip to keep in his stuffing. And now, the toy was enjoying a well-deserved rest, hugged to the chest of Peter Parker, Spider-Man himself. 

    He was doing a very good job of staying remarkably still in order to not disturb the girl who was comfortable resting her head on his shoulder━fast asleep. Nina Hart seemed, for once, quite peaceful in her slumber. It was a sight to behold that she was resting utterly oblivious to all that transpired somewhere else, sighing in a breath of content without true understanding on the slight weight of sadness in her chest. She was unbeknownst to the way Peter relaxed in the silence, feeling not an ounce of danger. No creak of the chair, no uneven breath ... nothing that sent him on edge ... Spider-Man felt safe, and so did Nina Hart on their flight home. She slumped towards him a little more without realising, hugging his arm tighter when his head fell gently to rest on top of her own. For the first time, Nina Hart was void of dreams━nightmares or otherwise about things she was unsettled and questioning ... for once, she was at peace, and maybe she deserved it. 

     Peter Parker lazily scrolled through his phone, looking at old photos. He hovered at the recent few he had taken of the two of them while Nina was asleep━pictures that weren't perfect, but he wanted to print off and stick up on his wall anyway ... maybe one he might even frame. He smiled at the sight of the broken necklace sitting on the collar of her tee-shirt, and knew that it had been worth every action figure he pawned to get to this moment right now. 

     He smiled to himself. For the first time, too, Peter Parker realised that he had everything he wanted in his life right now━sitting with Nina Hart, he felt calm ... he always felt normal

    Nina shifted in her position. Peter lifted his head just as she did, glancing down as she peered up at him through tired, hooded eyes that fluttered━not entirely awake just yet. "Hey," he mouthed to her, not wanting to break this gentle silence. 

    She gave him a small, sweet smile. Peter then shuffled down further in the seat so he could rest his head on her shoulder and Nina's smile brightened for a moment. He huffed out a sigh and closed his eyes, and relaxed the moment her head joined his━and the two teenagers spent the rest of the flight together, comfortable and content in this peaceful happiness that they were sure wouldn't last for much longer. But they were determined to live it for as long as they possibly could. 

    They slept all the way until they had to put their seatbelts back on to land. Nina took a deep breath, happy to finally be back home. She missed New York, she missed her crazy life, and she missed her parents, her brother━her family. 

     It was sluggish movement as they all slowly travelled off the plane. Nina was happy when they all met up together again━she, Peter, Ned, MJ ... and Felicia. Nina smiled at her old friend who looked different without her suit. She looked ... she looked like the Felicia she always knew in her off-the-shoulder shirt and high waisted jeans. Dead-straight hair hung around her face, and the Black Cat smiled back.

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