This cant be good

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I was forced out of bed when the door bell kept going off. I guess the boys aren't home.

I groan and get out of bed after a few more minutes of this and answer the door, seeing Jax. What did he want?
He smiles, " Hey.."
" Hi, uh what are you doing here?"
" You asked me to compel someone for you, you don't remember?" He looked worried.
" No I don't.. Um.."
" Can I come inside?"
I nod and let him in, shutting the door behind him.

We head up to my room so the boys won't see him, especially after what happened with Xavier.

He sits down on the floor by my bed, "What do you remember?"
" Uh, I was in the kitchen telling Xavier, something, and uh then the doorbell went off and next thing I know I wake up to you knocking on the door."
He hands me his phone, " You texted me asking me to compel someone for you."
I look at it. Yep it seems like I did that, though I don't remember. I hand him back his phone, " Maybe someone took my memories.."
" If it's compulsion I can try and get them back for you, but if it's magic I don't know what to do."
" Xavier wouldn't take my memories!"
" I didn't say Xavier I said magic. But if this doesn't work we can see if he can do something."
I bite my lip but nod, " So how's this work?"
" Well I think I can get your memories back, because if your compelled your memories aren't deleted or taken, just hidden. So if I'm stronger then the vampire who did it I can bring them back."
I nod again and sit next to him.

He holds my hand, but my head snaps up as I hear the door slam open. I guess Xavier's home..

" What's he doing here? Did he do something?!" He goes over to Jax and grabs him
I try to get in between them, " No no he's just trying to help!"
The two start fighting on the floor and I do my best to pull them apart.

After a minute I get them apart and shove Xavier out of my room, locking the door behind him. I move Jaxs unconscious body up on the bed and cover him up.

I wonder what he's dreaming about.

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