Weird day.

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I was supposed to spend today with Addison, but she canceled last minute on me. It probably had something to do when I took her to meet Axton last night.

Oh well, I don't get to hang out with Pierce alot.

Pierce was a incubus, and a careless one at that. He needed to find something to ground himself with. But no, all he cared about was finding someone to fuck. To be fair, he did need it to live.

He invited me to some bar he loves going to, and it's not all bad. I wish I was with Addison though, we haven't had much time together since I got back.

Pierce gently shoved me, " Hey dude come back. You keep zoning out."
I look at him, and roll my eyes, " I thought you were flirting with that one girl."
He shrugs, " She started talking about how her boyfriend and me would be friends and I lost interest."
" Uh huh."
" Hey don't be so judgy. I thought you'd be happy I didn't go after taken girls."
" Fine fine, sorry. Your right."
He smiles and finishes off his drink, "So your just gonna nurse that all night or?"
I shrug, " I dunno, I don't really like it."
" I picked it just for you."
" And I don't like it."
He rolls his eyes, looking up at the menu board, " Oooo, what do think the 'surprise drink' is?"
" I dunno, order it."
He smiles and when the bartender comes over he orders the drink.

We were both definitely surprised when the bartender cut open their hand and filled a glass 3/4ths full. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the wound. They filled it the rest of the way with alcohol, leaving to wrap up their hand.

He picks it up, " That was definitely uh, surprising."
I nod, still a little taken back by it.
He slides it over to me, " Your the blood drinker here."
I roll my eyes but take it, taking a sip.
He gets a replacement for it quickly and chugs it down
I roll my eyes as I watch him, " This tastes weird."
He looks at me, " How so?"
" I dunno, just tastes off."
" Maybe the bartender is sick or something."
" No it's not weird like that."
" Maybe they aren't human."
" Yea, that's probably it."
" Are you gonna finish it?"
I shrug and take another sip.
He stands, smiling at me, " Cmon, help me find some girls."
I roll my eyes again, standing up. He was probably just trying to distract me from the mystery species bartender and weird drink, " You owe me."
" Yea yea, tell me what you want later." He goes to walk off into the crowd of people, but a guy stops him.

The new guy that showed up looked a little too young to be here, like 20 or 19. He smiled at us, "Are you two gonna finish that?" He reaches for the weird drink.
" Uh no. You can have it." I watch his movements.
He smiles and sips on it, " Thanks Jax and Pierce." He goes to leave.
Pierce grabbed his arm, " How do you know our names?"
He flashes us an innocent smile, " I'm well informed about these things." He turns to look at me, " I hope Addison will be worth it." He walks off again.
I stare after him, so does Pierce.

What the fuck just happened? How does he know this stuff, I've never seen him before, and judging by Pierce's reaction he hasn't either.

He sighs, glancing around, " Well that was all sorts of fucking weird. This is a strange night. Let's get back to finding some girls."

He always circles back to girls. It's kinda refreshing in a way though

He walks off and I trail behind him. I don't see why he needs my help to get some girl to fuck him, but whatever.

Soon enough I'm on my 4th drink and he's making out with a girl in his lap in a way that makes it look like they're tryna eat each other's faces. I roll my eyes and sip on the drink. My phone goes off and I check it, it's from Addison.

'Can you come compel someone for me? I'll explain when you get here just, please.'

'On the way.'

I put my phone up and get up from my seat, " Pierce, I gotta go."
He somehow pulls out of his kiss with the girl and looks at me, " Why?"
" Addison says she needs me to compel someone for her."
" You won't do that for me."
" It sounded like a life or death thing, or at least something serious. You just want me to get you laid."
He pouts, " I need to get laid to live."
I motion to the girl in his lap, " Your not starving soon."
I leave before he starts making out with her again, and make my way back to Addison. I hope everything is ok.

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