"She's already on her way" She retorted 

"Whatever" I say exiting the room 

I got downstairs to find Avery, my older brother in the living room with Edmund in his hands playing. I sat on the couch opposite of him because I needed space with all the awkwardness looming inside the room. 

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked never taking his eyes off of Edmund 

"Bet your ass I am" I glared at him 

"You cursing now?" He questioned 

"I'm grown" I shrugged 

"I'm sorry." He blurted out 

"Sorry for what?" Aria asks coming out of the kitchen 

"Where did you even come from?" Avery asks her 

"Perks of being neighbors to your family. Oh wait you wouldn't know anything about that" She said glaring at him 

"I must admit, it was my fault" He says 

"Damn straight" Aria nodded coming to sit beside me "How are you doing?" She asks me

"I'm good" I shrugged looking back at Avery 

"The thing is Avery, you didn't just abandon family, I was protecting YOU. I stood up for you, I put my hands on a woman who nearly caused you go to jail. When Aria discovered she had been cheating on you months prior, we tried to get you to leave her alone, but NO. You wanted to play captain save a hoe, and told us to stay out of your business" I state 

"I admit, looking back I really made some poor decisions" He nodded 

"Poor decisions?" Aria asks "You're lucky you got out of that when you did, thank goodness you got deployed" She shook her head 

"Yeah but he only spoke to Alana since the incident, nobody else in this family, grandpa died a year ago and you didn't even come home for the funeral" I pointed out 

"I didn't think I would be wanted around the family" He said looking up with tears in his eyes 

"Excuses! You know regardless of any situation, we put family first" Aria cut him off 

"I know" He mumbled 

"Are you still with her?" I ask him 

"No he's not. He doesn't even have any form of contact with her" Alana interjected 

"Better not be" Aria mumbled 

"What did you do?" I ask her lowly 

"Look, you three know me well enough to know I don't cut corners. She's HIV positive" Aria states taking Edmund away from Avery as if he's infected himself 

"You know I'm clean right?" He asks glaring at her 

"I don't know where you be sticking your prick" She shrugged 

"Alright who wants breakfast?" Alana asks handing Audrey to me 

"As long my coffee is mixed Baileys I'm down" I say 

"Are you not breast feeding?" Avery asks me scrunching up his face 

"Thanks for your concern, but I weaned them both off of me 3 months ago" I shrugged 

"That's cool." He nodded 

"Look, I'm sure Addison forgives you, but I'll tell you this... what you did to us was very much wrong" Aria said straight up "I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you yet" 

"I swear, I don't know how Vince deals with your crazy ass" Avery stood up 

"I should slap you" She stood, sizing him up

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now