chapter three

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Point of view Liam

Okay they were kinda right he's very short answer and mean he really knows he has the power and I hate that kind of people I get pulled into a room and a hand covers my mouth I see two boys and a girl they sit me down and tie my hands and feet together so I can't hurt them Louis didn't warn me for that after like twenty minutes they turn on the lights I close my eyes against the bright light they have masks so I can,t see their faces or anything like that.

"You are not Louis we know that thanks to your birthmark we lied to Niall I'm Jade that is Tristan and James" a girl says "fuck I'm so sorry" they help me cover up my birthmark and cut the ropes James and Jade give me a little advice and Tristan takes me to a room Connor runs to me and hugs me "they want to do mean things Li" Connor says scared "we won't we have plan if you agree" he looks scared at me I can't help him at the moment I hate that I look worried at Tristan.

"Listen sweetie if you want to survive this you're gonna need to listen to me and cook and clean not exactly like a maid but kinda and there going to be some rules" Tristan says I push Connor to Tristan he holds him "sir I can't cook I'm so so sorry" he looks at Connor and says I can teach you and otherwise we'll find another thing for you to do I need to talk to Niall, Liam watch him I nod Connor gets tied to the bed Tristan walks out and Connor just stares at the wall scared.

Tristan sends me to James and looks at Connor I knock on his door "hey Liam I know everything about you I have a few jobs for you and if you don't do them I'll tell Niall everything" James says "I will but it's going to get suspicious if I don't do Louis his jobs" he nods and I go back to Tristans room Connor says if I need to get married I think I want to get married in Vegas or in Venice that are pretty states can you free me? He nods and takes off the handcuffs softly.

I get down and a little girl asks me if I can lift her up "hey sweetie what's your name? How old are you?" I ask "I Laiwa I too" I smile I ask so your name is Laila and you are two? She says ywes I'm sway thwat, she's cute she has blond hair and green eyes I wonder who's child she is and how mad he's going to be when he sees me with her, Niall gets down and looks at me he says you're good with children Louis you can babysit today if you really want that.

is everyone right about you? Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu