chapter ten

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Point of view Niall

"Niall I think I have a clear path of that mystery about Tyler and their leader it's a girl called Jade" Liam mumbles "that's Zayn's girl you want to tell me she's leading one of the best gangs?" He nods not responding who ever thought of that Jade is our fucking biggest enemy I wonder if Zayn knows about this probably not I can always ask him about it if he respond confused we know enough if he doesn't respond confused he knows it already but on the other side I don't want to be the one to tell him.

Niall: hey Z can we talk?

Zayn: depends, what do you want to know Nialler?

Niall: nothing it's about Jade

Zayn: what's wrong with her?

Niall: she's the leader of our enemy so if we want to make a deal with Tyler we need to go past her first

Zayn: wait what?

Niall: Jade is our biggest enemy

Zayn: that can't be possible she never leaves the house

Niall: but friends come over maybe one of them tells them all Jade's plan

Zayn: you think that can be possible?

Niall: I don't know the answer Z.

"We need a great team for this" Tristan says "we need people around the kids so I think Liam, Mason, James, Tristan and Connor are coming with me and the others will keep an eye on the kids" they nod and I drop Louis off at home Tristan and James are making a whole plan "how is Brad? How don't I see him around that often anymore?" Connor asks "Brad is doing bad at the moment he's in a lot of pain and Tris and I thought it was better for a little while" Con nods and looks outside again.

"Why are you asking? Who's Brad?" Liam asks "Brad is James his hostage and I've been here for years so I just wondered if he's still alive I just ranaway and stole a lot to annoy them and most actions I did the last couple of weeks were acted out even the kids helped us" it was a great act of them to be honest and they could fool anyone if they want it was an amazing act and it was the first time they actually looked like a couple that was dating and now they have one of the strongest relationships.

"How did you get here Tristan?" Liam asks "I stole drugs from the wrong people and that brought me here I was very addicted, aggressive and abusive towards new people and I'm still very aggressive towards new people but just to protect the kids" Tristan did changes over the last three to four years i'm proud of the man he became over the last years I ask only aggressive and only over the kids? He laughs and says and abusive and I'm a little overprotective over Connor, a little is light worded he's so fucking protect over people.

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