"Fair enough." Rex mumbles looking through the glass as well.

Y/n hums setting the folder down on the table attached to the wall , looking at the twi'lek woman through the one way glass "Does she know I'm coming?" She asks.

"No ma'am." One clone says.

"Good. You two are free to wait outside, Rex please stay here." Y/n says calmly, as the other two clones left the room.

"Whats the plan?" Rex asks, the two of them staring at the twi'lek.

Dani was looking around the room, fidgeting with her hands. Her hands were chained to the table, which didn't give her much movement room.

Y/n shrugs "Get any information I can out of her." She answered, "See what she knows. Maybe find out her motive to attack me, and if she was responsible for the attack on the temple."

Rex frowns looking over to Y/n "The attack on the temple?" He asks "You think she could be responsible?"

"No. But there could be a chance she might know something." Y/n says shrugging "Her father was working for the separatists after all."

"I guess that makes sense." Rex says, grabbing her file from the table. The clone flips it open, his eyes scanning over the pages "What about her mother?"

Y/n shrugs again "Not sure." She answers "There wasn't much I could find. She hasn't been around for a while I'd assume."

Rex hums and closes the file "Could be useful." He says, setting the file back down.

"True." Y/n says rolling her shoulders back "I'll be back soon." She adds, before walking towards the door to the smaller interrogation room.

As soon as the door opend, Dani looked up and then scowled angrily "You." She sneered.

"Me." Y/n says with a small grin "Nice to talk to you without you trying to kill me, Dani." She says calmly.

The green twi glares at Y/n "How the fuck do you know my name?"

Y/n raises her brows with an amused look "It really wasn't that hard, considering your father was a traitor to the republic." She says calmly "I mean, you are Daniel Salazar's daughter, right?"

The twi looks away down at her hands "Fuck you." She growls lowly, tears filling her eyes.

Y/n raises her brows and leans back in her chair "Do you disagree?" She asks.

Dani looks up "My father wasn't a traitor." She says lowly.

"So you say. But your father betrayed Alderaan, by giving materials to the separatists. Not only that but because of his actions, I had lost several workers. Several citizens of my planet. Families lost their loved ones. Wifes lost their husbands, children lost their fathers or their mothers." Y/n ranted angrily, glaring at the twi in front of her.

"You don't care about thoes people." Dani snaps slamming her fist on the table.

"You know nothing about me." Y/n says doing her best to stay as calm as she can, "Did you attack the jedi temple?" She asks.

Dani gives Y/n a look of confusion, and she scrunches up her nose "No." She mumbled.

Y/n stares at her, her eyes searching the twi's face for any lies. She couldn't see one, she was telling the truth. Y/n hums with a nod "Why did you try to kill me?" She asks.

The twi falls silent, and she looks at her hands. Y/n could feel the conflict, it was washing off her in waves. There was a bit of guilt there too, and anger, so much anger. Y/n had never felt anything like this before, she had only ever felt glimpses of others emotions. This was different.

"Why are you so angry?" Y/n asked narrowing her eyes "Who are you angry with?"

Dani looks up "I don't know what you mean." She says, her confidence faltering.

Y/n rolls her eyes "You forgot, I'm force sensitive. I can feel things others normally wouldn't." She says "What happened to your mother?"

This makes the twi tug at her chains angrily "That bitch can rot." She snarls.

"Well that certainly hit a nerve." Y/n says "Did she leave you?" She asks.

"Doesn't matter, she's dead now." Dani growls, tugging at her chains some more.

"Who killed her?"

Dani shrugs "Don't know. Don't care." She grumbles "Are we done here?"

Y/n chuckled "We're working on my time, not yours." She says calmly "I ask, you answer."

"Fuck off. I don't want to talk to you anymore." Dani says coldly.

"Do you know who did the attack on the temple?" Y/n asks ignoring the comment.


A lie. This makes Y/n raise her brows, she looks behind her at the glass and then back at Dani "Bullshit."

"It's not bullshit." Dani growls, now gripping the table with one hand.

"Was it Dooku? Maybe you were trying to throw me off that night?" Y/n asks raising her brows "Grievous maybe?"

Dani flinches "Leave me alone." She mumbled.


Finally Y/n got something, fear. At the mention of Grievous she flinched, and the fear that was coming off her was intense. There was so much fear behind her eyes, so much fear washing off her.

"Did Grievous hire you? Did he hire your dad too?" Y/n asks, but she gets no response. The woman sighs "If you answer, life could be a lot easier."

Y/n continues to sit there, waiting for an answer. Nothing. Finally with an annoyed that she wasn't cooperating, Y/n got to her feet and left the room.

Rex looks over at her "Well, you didn't get much." He says.

"Yeah." Y/n breathed "But at least we have a little more information. Grievous caused the droid attack, and hired Dani's father." She says.

"Do you think he hired her too?" Rex asks.

Y/n shrugs and grabs the file "I'm not sure." She answered, shaking her head a little "I need to talk with Master Yoda."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें