Chapter 11

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"If violence doesn't solve anything then simply you aren't using enough."

Her line rang through his ears, did he have a choice? He can use her advice, but not today. He can't waste his time on a random pest, he needs to spend his day with his girlfriend, then he can take care of him.

Stepping through the café, he put on his dashing smile, "Hello, Dear." The sudden nickname made Elaine turn red, "Aha..." she awkwardly looked at the boy, "Amatus, this is my boyfriend, Jared. And Jared, this is my friend, Amatus." She said slowly so they both could understand what she was saying.

Placing the tray on their table, he then extends his right arm and offered  a handshake, Amatus stiffly accepted the handshake, it was rather uncomfortable for Amatus, "I apologize for disturbing your date, my cousin is truly needed in this year's reunion, it's a reunion with us, cousins." He said before parting their hands. "My other cousins also bring their lover, it would be nice if you come with her, that way we'll be able to get closer." He smiled, his smile somehow brings chills down Jared's spine. Elaine grabbed Jared's right hand and held it tightly as it made Jared's heart jump in joy, "Would you like to come with me?" Jared's lips curled up into a charming smile. "I would love to." Elaine beamed, Amatus on the other hand, "You must feel lucky to be in a relationship." He muttered as he could feel a headache when Jared held her hand back, "I'm leaving, enjoy your date." Elaine lets out a small giggle. "I like your cousin." He grinned, "I'm glad."

"Do you like the coffee? Dear~?" He teased, she laughed in return as Jared looks out the window, "I love this..." Smiling at him, he gazed at her lovingly, "In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you."

Appreciating the precious moment they spent together, their relationship was staying innocent and smooth. As Jared holds her hand, the warmth of his fingertips and palm remained as they soon pert their ways.

Elaine kept her smile as she entered her house, but, as happy as she was, the future always had other plans for her, her house was empty, the curtains are on the floor, furnitures broken while some are on the floor, the house looked like it was robbed. She rushed to her parents room to hide in their closet but to only find two decaying bodies, freshly chopped, white sheets soaked in red, their eyes still showed the horror they have experienced. Elaine felt her stomach going on circle, she ran out of the house as she covered her mouth and her eyes showing tears and fear, as soon as she left the front porch, liquid came out of her mouth, her tears widened as the image appeared once again. 


7: 43 PM.

Blue and red lights surrounded the neighborhood as she cried in the arms of her sweetheart, "Shhh..." He caresed her head as her hair fell softly on his arm, she buried her face into his chest as she continued to mourn. "Jared... P-My parents-their..." He lovingly embraced her as he lifted her chin and wiped her tears, "It's all going to be alright, I'm here. I will never leave you." She disobeyed and shook her head, "But-but what if the killer comes after me next?" She bursted into tears but Jared hugged her for comfort, "I will never let someone hurt you, trust me."

The police interviewed them both and the neighbors, Jared told the police that he'll be taking care of her, and as expected, the police agreed.


"Please, make yourself at home."

Elaine sheepishly smiled at him, noticing her red face, grabbing her arm, he pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead, "You're always welcome here, don't be so embarrassed." his smile only made her face even more red. "Would you like a drink?" his voice became softer which brings her back to the memory she remembered, "My parents..." She whispered, loud enough to worry Jared. He slowly gave her a glass of water, "Here, have a drink." She thanked him before drinking the water. Jared then led her to their living room, it was designed traditionally, the walls were painted ivory as the long, thick, green curtains hang on the windows as it landed on the brown floor, a table made of iron and festooned elegantly made the two couches on its both length made it look beautiful, a large chandelier lightened the whole room as the fireplace remained untouched. 

Sitting down on the couch, she felt her head becoming heavy, "I feel... weird." She muttered as Jared placed his hand on her shoulder, "It's probably because of what happened, rest, my dear, rest." He kissed her forehead again, with all these sudden affection, she was confused and sked, "Why were you so cold before?" And with the same answer, "I didn't know how to show my love you, my dear." His voice became husky, "Jaaaa...."

Catching her on his arms, he smiled in desperation, he finally had her, finally, she was his and no one else can go against their love, he was finally able to have her for the rest of his life, never will he leave her, never.


"Good morning, dear." Another peck on her forehead she received, "Morning...?" it was dark around her, "Where... are we?" She couldn't move and she wasn't definitely on a bed, instead, she was sitting on a chair, hands tied behind her, her feet were also tied, and she was blindfolded.  "Jared-?!" "Shhh.... I'm sorry things have to go like this, dear." His voice sounded sad but she wasn't in the mood to feel pity, "Untie me, right now!" 

"I would, but I can't... I can't bear the thought of you being touched by other men... Gosh." He knew this wasn't the right choice but then again, "If violence doesn't solve anything then simply you aren't using enough."

"Did you even love me?" Her question felt like a thousand of arrows shot on his chest, like a rat slowly eating his flesh. "Of course I love you! I am committed to you."

His last words made her feel chilly. "Dear, I'll be ba-" Suddenly, a short scream was heard, "What was that." Rapidly, Elaine spoke, "Nothing, love. Just some pest."

A horrifying scream rang in her ears making her silence herself... a sudden liquid landed on her cheek, she could feel his touch as he wiped them with his fingers and soon, he placed a light kiss, "That..." knowing he was dangerous and she had loved the wrong man, "seemed like a big pest..." He giggled, "Yes, a very big one... I have to go now, I love you." "I- I love you too..." Silently, tears flooded and streamed on her cheeks, it was too late.

(It's not the end yet.)

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