Rose Weil

921 9 3

Word count 620
⚠️trigger warning brief talk of vomit.

Y/n was driving fast, way over the speed limit "I can't believe I forgot, Fuck"
y/n completely forgot about the fashion show that Rose was putting on that day. Normally, it wouldn't be a very big deal, but thus was Rose's first show after the hiest, and now a lot more people knew about her since she dressed the very famous actress Daphne Clugar. It was also the first fashion show y/n was going to as Rose's girlfriend. And now she was 30 minutes late.
She was supposed to be there and be Rose's biggest support. Rose has extreme anxiety, and y/n found that out when Rose got sick when she opened the door for her to get into the car. From that moment, y/n had swore to herself that she would always be there for Rose's when she needed someone. So, by being this late, she wasn't just hurting Rose. She was breaking her promise to herself.
Y/n had decided to stop and get Rose Starbucks because that always cheered her up when she was sad. She had gotten a Nutella coffee because that was Rose's comfort food. She hoped that Rose was ok there without her.
As she pulled up to the building, she looked frantically around the block to park the car because you could never find parking there. When she finally did park the car, she ran to the back stage door and entered, quickly searching the room for Rose. She spotted her standing alone, looking at the screen that showed the show and people watching. Y/n immediately felt absolutely awful. Rose looked so worried, and y/n could tell from the look of her face that the sick would come soon.
When y/n approached Rose, Rose looked up at her, and she instantly ran to her, breaking down in tears.
"Where were you? You said you would be here 30 minutes ago. I was so scared, I don't know what the people think but no one is smiling I-"
"Rose honey, you're spiraling," you interjected while holding her tight with one arm, her Starbucks in the other. "Let's go take a look at what's happening," y/n says as she leads Rose back toward the monitor.
When they got there, y/n showed Rose that it was all ok.
Y/n lead Rose to the back wall where they both sat down. Rose rested her head on y/n's sholder for the rest of the show, only ever moving her head to drink her coffee.
After the show was over the reviews came in and Rose was anxiously rocking back and forth in her seat on the floor, waiting for y/n to tell her what people thought of her work. Y/n's heart shattered as she saw the first article speaking of what a train wreck Rose's work was. She ignored that one and went on to the next. Luckily enough, the article was raving on about how Rose's work was extraordinary and brilliant. Y/n read the words out loud to Rose, and as she did, she watched all signs of her anxiety disappear. Y/n rapped Rose in a tight hug. When they pulled away, she noticed that Rose had started crying.
"What's wrong, bubs?"She asked Rose. She thought that everything had gone great and that maybe Rose was upset about her not being there on time. Rose looked up and said with a smile, "I have everything that I ever wanted now." She let another tear slip out, y/n lovingly wiped it from her face and kissed her on her forhead they both smiled at each other and left to go home.
_______________authors note_____________
I am open to suggestions in the comments. Thanks for reading.

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