Rose Weil

341 10 6

Word count 516
Y/n was at home waiting for her girlfriend rose to come home, rose was a fashion designer who was huge in the 90's, she's really big on ruffles and such,which is now making it hard for her to find her place in the fasion industry. Today rose had a big show and although Rose made a lot of money working for someone called Debbie Ocean, she still wanted to do thus. If the show goes we today then she could be signing a multimillion dollar contract with a big brand company. Ross told y/n that the show ended at 6, if it has a hour long clean up and a 30 minute drive home that means rose should be home at 7:30. Y/n had made rose dinner and had prepared roses favorite dessert (Nutella doughnuts) to celebrate, y/n knew this would have to go well, rose had been working so hard for months to prepare for this show. Y/n heard the door open and immediately rushed to see rose. "Rosie how'd it g-?" Y/n stopped asking when she saw tears in roses eyes. "Oh bubs come here" y/n hugged rose close as she cried into her chest. "That's it, there there, let it out love," y/n tried to comfort her. Once rose stopped crying y/n asked "do you want dinner? I made spaghetti." Rose nodded slowly and they walked to the kitchen together. Y/n plated the spaghetti and sat down with rose. "You wanna tell me what happened?" Y/n asked rose trying to help. Rose nodded and thought for a moment. "It was fine at first people seemed to like the designs, bit halfway through they seemed unimpressed, then towards the end the company representative walked back stage and he he yelled at me" rose looked close to tears. "What did he say love?" Y/n asked trying to get rose to let out all of her negative feelings now. "He said that I was a waist of his fucking time and I need to stop dicking around and do something with my life besides turning children's drawings into fabric disasters," roses voice broke and she started crying. Y/n gently rubbed her back until she calmed down. "Hun if you want I made you your favorite dessert, it's on the stove you just have to pop it in the microwave for a minute," y/n said knowing it would cheer rose up. Rose sprung up and put them in the microwave, she put them on a plate and walked back over to y/n, she looked down at y/n. Y/n looked up at her and knew exactly what she wanted "fine but only because I love you." Y/n scooted her chair out slightly and let rose sit on her lap, y/n wrapped her arms around roses waist and rested her chin on roses sholder "feel better?" Y/n asked rose who was now looking a bit happy. "Much better," rose mumbled through a mouth full of doughnut.

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