Nellie Lovett

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Y/n got out the flower, sugar, and other ingredients needed for baking cookies. Y/n knew that Nellie loved baking. Nellie's mother taught her how to bake when she was a little girl. That was one of her only memories of her mother that Nellie had. Her mother had left when she was very young, Nellie never really got over it, but she learned how to allow herself to be happy. Nellie was very reluctant to let y/n into her life since most of the people in her life left her one way or another. It took them 2 years of being awkwardly touchy friends before Nellie and y/n were together.

---------------------Nellie's pov-----------------------
I woke up to a noise coming from the kitchen, like someone moving around. I went to turn to y/n, but she was gone. I was at a loss for words. She was supposed to be the one who was there for me forever, but she was gone. I let tear after tear roll down my face until I heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom. I was waiting on edge, and the door opened to reveal y/n. She rushed over to hug me. We sat like that for a minute. y/n was used to me getting worried like this, so she knew how to make me feel better. "I gotta' surprise for you," y/n whispered into my ear.
----------------end of Nellie's pov-----------------
Y/n walked down to the kitchen, guiding Nellie there by her hand. When they reached the kitchen, y/n looked over at Nellie and stopped her from going in. "Close your eyes," y/n whispered into Nellie's ear. Nellie did as she was told and put her hands over her eyes. Y/n put her hands on Nellie's shoulders and guided her into the kitchen. "Annnnddddd open!" Y/n said in a sing song tone. When Nellie opened her eyes, she gasped. She had never felt more at home with another person. Y/n had actually listened to her when she had talked about her love of baking. Nellie rushed over and looked at all of the supplies for the cookies, but she noticed that there was no recipe.
Y/n could tell what was wrong by the look on her face . Before Nellie could say anything, y/n had pulled out an old piece of paper and handed it to Nellie. She had looked at it, a bit confused until it hit her. "Is it..." she couldn't finish her sentence. She clasped her hand over her mouth. "Yup, that's right, my sweet, it's your mom's recipe," y/n said while putting her arm around Nellie. They both followed the recipe nicely. It was the first time she had seen Nellie hold an actual genuine smile on her face. Y/n was really happy, and so was Nellie. They were both finally happy.
Y/n walked behind Nellie and grabbed the bag of flour that had already been put into the dough. "I'm gonna put this away," Y/n said, not really putting it away. Y/n scooped up a little bit of flour with her fingers and walked over to Nellie. "Guess what, pumpkin," y/n cooed at Nellie. "What, honn- "she was cut off by y/n splatting the flour down into her hair. Nellie gasped the two women giggled and chased each other around the house with flour, making a complete mess.
Once they had cleaned up together, they laid into bed. Nellie rested her head on y/n's chest for the first time. "I love you y/n," Nellie had never said that before. Y/n had started tearing up but quickly pulled herself together. "I love you too, my love, I always have and always will." And with that, they both fell asleep in eachothers arms, Nellie finally being at peace with the losses of her life.

Helena Bonham Carter one shots (Her character's)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu