Eudoria Holmes

462 7 0

Word count 672
Authors note:
Just a disclaimer, this takes place in Eudoria's time period (1910's)
Y/n felt the cold wet ground hit her back as she fell to the floor. Sparing with Eudoria was always a fun yet slightly painful experience. Y/n thought of how to get Eudoria this time, and in her mind, her plan was perfect.

_____________Eudoria's pov______________
Y/n was getting up slowly, I knew she was ploting something. She usually goes to knock me off balance by hitting at my shoulders, so I tried to defend my shoulders. Huge mistake, I wasn't looking at where she was aiming. She swept my leg, and I came, tumbling down in a crazy attempt to regain my balance. As I fell, I heard a loud crunch, and I knew exactly where it came from. My suspicion was proved correct when I felt the searing burning pain flood through my ankle. Luckily for me, from my many years as a suffragette, I can mask my pain well. Unluckily for me, y/n always see's right through my bullshit and knows something is wrong.

__________end of Eudoria's pov__________
Y/n looked down at Eudoria and instantly knew something was wrong. Y/n knew the look that Eudoria would have on her face when she was in pain. And now Eudoria's face displayed that look, her eyes were partly closed, her lips pushed together tightly, and the veins on her forhead poping out slightly. But besides that, she didn't make a sound. Y/n knew she and landed on her ankle wrong and  knew it was bad when she saw a single tear roll down her cheek. She never cries. She was known for having a face of stone. Y/n scooped her up bridal style and started carrying her back to their house. Y/n was a trained  nurse, so she knew how to help Eudoria. Y/n puts the plaster cast around Eudoria's foot so the bones heal properly.
But as soon as the plaster set, there was a loud bang on the door. "Police! Open the door!" Shouted the voice on the other side. Y/n picked up Eudoria, who was already trying to limp away, and carried her to the secret room that they made, located behind one of the book cases in their library. Once inside, Eudoria looked at y/n and said in a huff, " You didn't have to do that, I could have gotten here myself. I can take care of myself." Y/n felt hurt.  Eudoria had been her girlfriend for 2 years now, and she still wouldn't let Y/n take proper care of her. "My love, you always take care of me. Like when I got pneumonia, when I broke my arm, or even when I got arrested for property damage for the suffrage movement. The point is, you are always there for me, now I want to be here for you." Eudoria smiled and hugged Y/n. Y/n started to tear up because she knew this was Eudoria's way of saying that she loved her and had realized that  Y/n loved her too.
They hid out in there until the police had left, or so they thought. The second that Eudoria stuck her head out of the bookcase, she had been grabbed, cuffed, and forced to walk on her broken ankle. "Stop!" Y/n screamed just as Eudoria passed out due to the pain. The police let her out of the cuffs just so y/n could make sure she was ok, but the whole time, the officer had his arm across her chest  by her collarbone. Once Eudoria had woken up, y/n explained that her ankle was broken, to which the officers allowed her to carry Eudoria to the police carriage under strict supervision of course. Y/n placed a loving kiss on Eudoria's cheek and stood back watching the love of her life being driven away. Fighting tears, Y/n walked inside and sat in silence.

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