Cora O'Brian

227 9 3

Word count 569
Y/n was in a pub when she spotted the most out of place looking woman. Not only was she pregnant, but she had her hair done up in all these tiny ponytails. Although y/n thought she looked a little weird, y/n knew that weird was cool, so she called the woman over to sit with her. Her and the woman got on great, they gave each other their phone numbers, and the lady was called Cora.
A couple of days later, y/n was getting kinda bored and decided to call Cora. They made a plan for y/n to come by to pick up Cora so they could go to the beach. Y/n was delighted. She felt things for this woman that she hadn't felt before. Y/n eagerly got ready in her swimsuit and got in the car. When she arrived, Cora was waiting outside with a smile that slowly faded when she realized y/n was in a swimsuit.
"D-did you want to go swimming?" Cora asked a bit nervous. "Umm well yea, that was the plan," y/n responded a bit confused on what else she would want to do on the beach. Cora looked down and lowered her voice when she said, " None of my baithing suits fit me since I'm well, you know." She motioned towards her pregnant  stomach.
" That's not a problem. I know just the place, c'mon," y/n said with an idea forming. Y/n drove to the maternity store planning on buying Cora a baithing suit for pregnant women. When they entered the store, y/n took Cora over by the baithing suits and had her pick one. Cora pointed at one, not wanting to be a burden. Once y/n paid for the swimsuit, she quickly disinfected it, and Cora put it on.
" h-how much did it cost?" Cora asked, rummaging through her bag, trying to find her wallet. Y/n simply shook her head to say she wouldn't tell. Maternity clothes are a bit expensive, and she didn't want Cora to know so she wouldn't feel obligated to pay it back. No matter how many times she asked, y/n would not tell her. Luckily, Cora got distracted by the beach and stopped asking about it.                   ___________time skip 5 hours___________
Y/n and Cora were having a great time, but y/n could tell that Cora was getting really tired. Y/n remembered when her mother was pregnant with her little sister. All she did was sleep, so she could only imagine how Cora must feel after spending 5 hours at the beach.
Cora sat up on her towel next to y/n they both just stared into eachothers eyes for what felt like hours and seconds all at once, then Cora kissed her, y/n was shocked so she didn't kiss back at first. Cora pulled away. "I'm sorry, I thought you nevermind it was stup..." y/n cut her off by smashing her lips into Cora's they both melted into the kiss, a kiss that they will tell the story of to their kids when they have them, they were both so thrilled they stayed like that for as long as they could not wanting to break the kiss, but they needed to breath so they lie there cuddling on the beach dreaming of the future that lies ahead.

Helena Bonham Carter one shots (Her character's)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon