Bellatrix Lestrange

746 15 1

Word count 452
Y/n awoke to a blinding light. The curtains had been left open, and now she was being woken by the bright morning sun. "Bella, can you close the blinds?" y/n grumbled, but she was met with no response. This was strange o
because Bella hated being ignored, so she wouldn't ignore anyone. Y/n had turned over to try and wake her, but to her surprise, her hand reached a cold mattress beside her.
Y/n headed out of the room and down the stairs looking for Bella, but as she reached the kitchen door, she heard Bellatrix shout, "Don't come in ... please, " this was worrying because she never said please. "Oooh, I got a please this morning. Something special must be going on," y/n said teasingly. Y/n thought that Bella was doing something special and she didn't want to ruin it, so she sat down on the floor next to the kitchen door. That is where she stayed until she heard a sniffle from the other side of the door.
Y/n knocked on the door and whispered sweetly to Bella, " hey hun, I'm going to come in, ok?" Y/n opened to door, but as she did, she heard a loud Crack and the kitchen was empty, well except for a huge bowl of batter all over the floor and one burning pancake on the stove top, like no pan just directly on the stove. Y/n quickly turned off the stove and removed the pancake, using magic y/n cleaned the whole kitchen in about 5 minutes. Once the kitchen was cleaned, y/n made her way to the one place that Bella always goes when she is upset.
Y/n went to the library quietly, opened the door, and stepped inside without a sound. She made her way over to the corner of the large room where Bellatrix sat on the large bean bag. Before Bella had a chance to dissaperate y/n wrapped her in an inescapable hug. Bella struggled to get out but failed sitting there in y/n's arms. Bella kept on crying hard while y/n stroked her head. "I-I'm s-so-sorry," Bella stuttered with her head still buried in y/n's neck. "It's ok hun, shh no need to cry over spilled milk - or well, batter in this case," Y/n soothed. Bella chuckled a bit at y/n's remark and dried her eyes.
"I was trying to make pancakes like you showed me to surprise you." Bella said with a sniffle "Aww well you did a great job trying my girl," y/n cooed. Bellatrix smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep in y/n's arms.
I honestly have no clue which character to do next. Please give me ideas. Have a nice day

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