Marla Singer

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Word count 992
⚠️trigger warning vomit talk of abuse

"I have a surprise for you," you said with a grin. Marla looked up from the couch and glared at you. You knew she didn't do well with surprises, but you knew she would love this. "I actually hate you, y/n," she said jokingly. You pulled her up and took her to the car. You drove for a little while while she smothered you with questions. " Where are we going, what are we doing, tell me tell me tell me tell me, pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee," she asked while putting her head on your sholder. " You'll just have to wait and see, baby," you said, knowing how much she hates that name. She looked at you with a pissed off expression and moved he legs away from you so your hand now rested on the seat.
Once you got there she was really confused, since you parked in the parking lot of the train station and she had no clue where you were. Until you turned her around to show her. She gasped. " You... were at a," she hugged you tight. You knew she had never been to a fair before since her parents never wanted to do anything with her. You also saw the way she looked at the screen when watching ads about the fair coming up.
You walked into the fair grounds hand in hand. You waited in line for a little bit to buy the bracelets that let you go on rides. Once you got the bracelets, you put yours on right away, but Marla was struggling a bit trying to get hers on. She gave up and pouted a bit. You grabbed her hands and put the bracelet on her. " Thank you, honey," she said and kissed you. You took her hand and asked, " What should we go on first?" She looked around a bit and chose the one that spun around

 You took her hand and asked, " What should we go on first?" She looked around a bit and chose the one that spun around

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The ride

When you got on she looked so happy and then the ride started and she was screaming the whole time. When she got off, she was really dizzy. You found it hilarious, which earned you a punch in the arm. "Where would you like to go now?" You asked her. She pointed at the drop tower. So you two waited on the line to go on and got on pretty quickly. It went up slowly, and as you were nearing the top, she reached out for your hand. You went to hold her hand, and just as you grabbed her hand, the ride dropped without warning. "OHHH FUCCKKKK!!" she screamed the whole way down.
We walked off the ride, and she looked a bit shaken up. "Are you ok?" You asked "we don't have to go on more if you don't want to," you said in a comforting tone " no, no, no, let's go on that one," she said pointing to the tilt-a-whirl. The two of you got a seat inside of car number 4, your lap bar was checked, and off you went spinning round. Halfway through the ride, Marla didn't look too good. You little your arms around her shoulder and let her rest her head on your chest for the rest of the ride. When you both got off the ride, she ran to a trash can and threw up a little since she hadn't eaten much that day. You stood behind her, rubbing her back and trying to keep her short hair out of her face.
You sat down next to her on a bench and handed her to sprit,you got her to calm her stomach. She took it, and as she did, you saw a tear roll down her face. "What's wrong, Mar?" You asked to understand. " I ... when I was little, my dad took me to a fair, and I was so excited because he usually just left me home. So when he asked me to go on the bigger rides, I felt like I had to. When I went on the tilt-a-whirl with him, I threw up in the ride, and he got so mad that he smacked me right there in the middle of the fair. So I didn't want to disappoint you and have you get mad at me." She said, kind of spiraling. You wrapped your arms around her until she felt better.
" You wanna play some games?" You asked her. It took her a minute to register that you were being serious, but when she did, her face lit up, and she nodded. " Which one do you wanna play?," you asked her. She looked around and pointed at the water shooting game. Little did she know you were an expert in those games. " Ok then," you said, not realizing that the game was almost full. You two got the last two spots in the game. The game was close between you and this 30 year old man, but you won. Marla looked a bit bummed out that she didn't win. You noticed and asked the lady running the game for the giant teddy bear with the pink bow that you saw her looking at. " For you angel," you said while handing her the bear, which earned you a couple of aww's from some of the nearby people. Bear in hand, you and Marla walked around the fair until you stopped her. You said, " One more ride," You saw her face turn scared and anxious," Just trust me, angel," you said, and she took your hand. You walked her over to the ferris wheel, and you both got on the last available car for the night. When it started turning ahead, she got a bit worried, but that ended when she realized that it didn't go fast. She liked the calm ride to the top. She gasped and pointed out of the car. " Look at the view y/n look," At that moment, you knew that she was the one.

Comment who I should do next, I'm out of ideas. Thanks

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