New Feelings and Intense Training

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Kale: So what do we do, Sis?

Caulifla: You're barking up the wrong tree, Kale. We'll have Mr. Sadala Defense Force issue those commands, he's a strategist.

Cabba: A-are you sick?

Caulifla: Nah, but Y/n lit the metaphorical fire under my ass and I gotta get him back!

Cabba: Alright, well then, we should be able to get him if we all attack at once.

Caulifla frowns at Cabba's idea.

Caulifla: What? Didn't you see how easily he slipped outta the way when me and Kale double teamed him! No way that's gonna work!

Cabba: I know, but me and you can both become a Super Saiyan, so we can transform in a burst of energy to surprise him!

Caulifla: Hey, that's actually smart! Ya ready, Kale?

Kale nods and the three Saiyans take a battle stance before charging at Y/n, Kale throws a punch, Y/n dodges to the side. Immediately following up, Cabba goes for a kick at Y/n's head, but he flips over Cabba's leg. Caulifla goes for his legs with a sweeping motion, but Y/n flips into a handstand. As soon as he does, Cabba and Caulifla simultaneously transform into a Super Saiyan and throw a punch at Y/n, Cabba going high, Caulifla going low. However, Y/n does half a flip to avoid the attacks, then does a spinning kick to knock them back.

As Y/n lands on the ground, a Ki blast comes hurtling towards him, but he flips over that at the last moment.

Kale, who had fired the Ki blast, could only stare in shock. Y/n moved as fluidly as water.

Meanwhile, Cabba and Caulifla both rise to their feet and glance at each other.

Cabba: I wasn't expecting that...

Caulifla: You've seen him in action more than us, I figured you'd be more helpful...

Cabba: H-hey, cut me some slack... It's not like I'm not trying. And to think, this isn't him at his best.

Caulifla: Wait, what?

Cabba: Oh, I guess you and Kale are completely unaware. Apparently, Y/n can use a technique called " Ultra Instinct ", and it's so incredibly rare that even Gods of Destruction can't just use it all willy nilly.

Caulifla turns her attention to Y/n, who was standing there with a blank expression on his face, but his eyes were seemingly peering into her very soul. She started feeling smaller by the second, her, the great Caulifla. But she couldn't make herself feel any bigger. Y/n seemed like an insurmountable wall of strength now, like she'd only ever be an ant in comparison. How could he be that strong? It didn't really register. And he looked so calm, it was a little unnerving for her. Normally, she's used to people gloating and showing off their power, and yet Y/n stood there completely outclassing all three of them. And he wasn't even trying? Unreal. Suddenly, Caulifla found herself admiring the young man even more. He was this powerful, and he was willing to teach her and train her? She felt honored now, and she couldn't really understand why.

Caulifla: He's... So cool!

Cabba smiles at Caulifla, amused by her response.

Cabba: You're right, he's really something else.

Y/n: Are you all just gonna stand there, or are you gonna fight me?

Kale looks to Caulifla and Caulifla nods. Kale, Caulifla, and Cabba all rush Y/n but he continues to effortlessly dodge all of their attacks. The longer they tried and failed to make contact, the more Caulifla began to respect Y/n.

Caulifla: You really are something else, even if you're a smug jackass!

Y/n smirks at Caulifla, amused by her reaction, he then sweeps all of them off their feet simultaneously and flips away as they hit the ground.

Burning Desire of a Super Saiyan RE ( Male reader x Kefla )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن