Shy Girl with Untapped Potential - Enter Kale

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Y/n: So what do you say, Kale?

Kale: Wh-what...? I-I'm sorry...

Y/n: You wanna train?

Kale: Y-yes!

Y/n: Great!

He offers her his hand and she reluctantly takes it, and she's surprised by his gentle, yet firm grip.

They then fly over to Caulifla and Cabba and Y/n yells out to the sparring Saiyans.

Y/n: Yo guys!

Cabba and Caulifla turn to look at Y/n, and Caulifla flies down and grabs him by the collar of his Gi.

Caulifla: What's going on here?!

Y/n: Huh? Kale decided to train with us, I thought you'd like it. Why're you angry?

Caulifla: Wh-what?! Angry?! I'm not angry!

Y/n: You're not?

Caulifla: Y-you...

Kale: It's okay sis, I came to check on you and Y/n found me. He offered to train me.

Caulifla: ... Oh...

She releases his Gi and walks off, seemingly flustered.

Cabba: Jeez, she do that often?

Kale: She's a little protective is all.

Cabba: I'm Cabba, by the way.

Kale: I'm Kale.

Y/n: Hey, you two should get to know each other a little, I'm going to go talk to Caulifla. She seemed upset.

Kale: Okay, Y/n. Remember, she has a temper.

Y/n: I know.

He walks away and towards where Caulifla was when he finds her. She was sitting with her legs crossed and her chin rested on the back of her hand.

Y/n: Yo, Caulifla!

Caulifla glances up and looks away.

Y/n raises a brow before walking over and sitting next to her. Caulifla then scoots away a little.

Y/n: You okay?

Caulifla: I'm sorry...

Y/n: Huh? What for?

Caulifla mumbles under her breath and Y/n just stares at her, lost. She then gets irritated.

Caulifla: I'm sorry I grabbed you like that, okay?! It was wrong!

Y/n: It's fine, really.

Caulifla: Wh-what?

Y/n: I'm protective of my siblings.

Caulifla: ... You have siblings?

Y/n: Two brothers, an older brother and a younger brother. Not by blood, though.

Caulifla: Were you adopted?

Y/n nods and Caulifla smiles softly at the warrior.

Caulifla: You're weird.

Y/n: Huh? I'm weird? How?

Caulifla: Only a friggin weirdo would come check on someone who was about to try and wring his neck.

Y/n: No offense, but I wasn't remotely intimidated.

Caulifla smirks and punches him in the arm.

Caulifla: You're smooth, you know that?

Y/n: Is that sarcasm?

Caulifla: Maybe it is.

Y/n: Doesn't make you any more intimidating, Cauli.

Caulifla grabs the collar of his Gi again and pins him against the ground, smirking.

Caulifla: Talk a lot of shit, don't you tough guy?

Y/n: Still not bothered.

Caulifla giggles and smiles at the Ultra Instinct Warrior.

Caulifla: You're fun.

Y/n: Thanks.

Caulifla suddenly realizes how close they were and immediately stands up before clearing her throat.

Caulifla: We should go meet up with the others.

' Jesus! What's wrong with me? Climbing on him like that... Have I lost my damn mind? I can't believe I giggled like that in front of him! ' Caulifla thinks to herself as Y/n pulls her back to reality by ruffling her hair.

Y/n: Let's go.

He walks away and Caulifla just watches him, a light pink blush dusting her cheeks. After a moment, she follows behind Y/n.

Burning Desire of a Super Saiyan RE ( Male reader x Kefla )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz