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Sora POV

In my rush to find Usagi I hear a howl. "Theo" I'd completely forgot they were in the building and some smartass decided to start a fire a while ago while the Militans fire at innocent people to save their own asses.

I make it to my room and open the door to two animal already waiting by it. "I'm so sorry" I crouch a bit to hug them. Their warmth embraces me and I just wished I come stay there, the way we used to. But I don't have time. "Come on" I lead them out and through the halls hoping to not run into any Militans. I make it out to the back and couch to at least try talk to them not that they'd understand

"Theo. Mina. Go. Make sure not the get hurt or die I'll find you both later on right now you need to go" Theo whinces and Mina pushes herself against me as I hug them both with tears threatening to escape my eyes.
I'll hold onto the late night movies with them, morning and night runs and just everything. They were there with me as soon as I moved out my parents house and had been my bits of attention and love. I love them to bits.

I stand with a sting still at my heart "Go" Theo barks before they both run off into different directions. I hold myself back from calling after them as I myself run back into the building. I'm about to find Usagi when Chishiya stops me "I don't have t-"
"Time for me? You wound me. Usagi is in the back getting to the basement. You'll probably find Arisu there" I hurry not really in the mood to deal with him or to contemplate if what he's saying true.

I make it to the basement but I'm already met with Usagi, Tatta, Arisu and the stranger from earlier. I tackle Arisu and Usagi in a tight hug which they return but Arisu's hold is extremely weak. I look at them with a hand on each of their faces and kiss their forheads in relief he isn't dead and she didn't get killed or hurt.

"We're alive. Don't get all soft now. We still need to figure out this game" Arisu says weakly as he uses Usagi as support to stand. "Of course. Let's go" I steadily walk with them both to the hall keeping eye and guard of no harm their way for the time before we reach the main gall where Aguni has now come back in from watching those burn outside.

He looked close to death just like when he realized I knew he killed Hatter. I suspected it was him when he went missing when Hatter was out to add more days to his visa and came back is a bullet in his chest. The general flinched as well when I mentioned it when we were forced to take a vote for him. He might not have kill Hatter on purpose but he did still in fact kill him. And this proves my point when Arisu gives his pain stackingly long speech on why Aguni has gone to shit in the head to even try convince everyone he was the witch when he wasn't, to take the people who made his bestfriend lose his mind from power. He'd tried many times to harm Arisu which I stepped in and blew them off or took them.

I did because I'm not innocent in why Arisu is in this mess, I should of trusted my gut feeling when it told me Chishiya's plan would get one of us in trouble but I was blinded by my upcoming feelings towards the bleached haired man. As Arisu then snaps me out of my thoughts when he mentions that Momoka was indeed the witch the whole time, and killed herself in an attempt to escape this madness but she herself was the cause of our own tonight. How twisted and yet still thrilling.
Aguni continues to argue on insisting he's the witch and that we should kill him

"Selfish till the end" I word to myself as a group of people try to tackle him but just to thrown back. Ann bursts through the door. "It's reverse grip! She killied herself! Momoka is the witch!" Ann announces pointed to said dead corpse still laying as dead as well...dead.

A flash of gun fire draws our attention to the other side of the room where

"ooooo what the hell happened to you" I let out as my gut clenches at the sight of Niragi in burnt rags and skin, limping but holding up with a gun in his hand he recently fired from and a torch. "Your boyfriend happened! Burnt me up on the roof but funny thing is I don't die that easily"
"Ew. Like a cockroach"
"Now do you so. Now...I'll kill you all!!" He throws the torch to the ground starting another degree of heat and screams as he starts shooting up the place again till Aguni runs and tackles him towards where the main fire in the building was.

Weird day...

The room falls silent at the sudden two twists "Can we remember we still need to burn her!" Usagi yells out. A group of remaining people pick Momoka up and walk towards the fire as all remaining lead out to watch it burn. Watch the bodies of the innocent burn beforethem out of fear, doubt, lies, regret, and this game.

A game true to be the 10 of hearts.

I'm about to leave with the rest out of Beach when my name is called out and my heart pounds faster slightly. "Thought you left already" Chishiya's all too knowing smirk sits on his face, eyes full of amusement and skin glowing from the fire. "Wish I did. Would have avoided you"
"Still mad?"
"That scare still hurt?"
"It only reminds me of you"
"Stings though. And that's what I wanted"
"i didn't mean to get you guys caught. Arisu made a mis-"
"But you did and pinning the blame on him is pathetic. You didn't even try to get Arisu out or apologize even if he had made a mistake" he silent for a while so I continue to pour the salt over the wound.
"Oh I forgot. You've probably never said sorry and actually meant it"
"I came here to give you something"
"A bomb? You already destroyed my trust in you, what more do you want? Oh yeah to actually get me kill. Maybe that's why you're keeping me here in this place to still bur-" my words are cut of by his hand on my lips.
Soft and firm.
"Don't touch me!"
"You were just going on and on about horrible things I'd never do to you. For the love of god I am sorry I betrayed you and I only wish that..."
"That what?"
"That you'd forgive me...I want this to pass so it doesn't haunt me for the rest of my life. I already despise the fact it means anything to me"

I'm in utter shock. He has said many things to me that must have all been a lie but the words he spoke sounded genuin and yet still arrogant. He genuinely wanted me to forgive him because he is actually sorry, never thought of it happening. There's not a word left I can say to him so he continues. "Take this and don't forget. You still are one of the very few people I don't get immediately annoyed when they're around me. I'll see you around Sora" he smiles, an empty one even and my night just keeps getting...i don't even know.

He pulls a card from his hoodie and hands it in my hand before disappearing behind doors and flames.


"You! This is all your fault! I can never forgive you!" Usagi tries to attack the group of Militans left but is held back by Tatta and Arisu's loud cries. We all on the other side complete off Beach as we watch it all burn.

"In this world and the next" Chishiya x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora