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It's times like these I wished I hadn't yet again fallen asleep during something of such importance I should be aware of. First it's meetings and my soon to be highly important new client now this, well I guess I can forget it now.

I had fallen in a huge hole of warmth, of comfort and fur in my amazing apartment. I live alone but I've never loved it more.
Something sits in my lap.
Scratch that, I live alone with my adorably huge cat and dog.

I'd loved animals a lot as a child and my parents offered to get me one but unfortunately both fell prey to being allergic to the creatures. But i moved out and have my own place and now bundles of joy. Some would say they were my children which they wouldn't be wrong. I'd grown up and still am with them in my beginning chapters of early adult life and spoiled them and trained them since I make the money so I spend it as I please.

But now upon waking to the whole of Tokyo is dead silence had been alarmingly extremely uncomfortable to endure. You've watched enough movie to have an idea of what the end of the world would look to be but this didn't reach it. This situation was more of the one question you and your friends played as kids

"what would you do if you were the only person on Earth"

Who wouldn't thought such a question you wouldn't pay much mind to now would now have to be answered.

A flash of light takes me out of my thoughts. My question has been answered for me.
Mina walks off my lap and sits besides Theo, I'm not entirely sure what breed he is but I be damned enough to say I picked myself a literal wolf.

He was huge and I mean that when I say it, full of fluffy white and grey fur and grey eyes, pointed big ears and long fluffy tail. He could also possibly weigh more than me by three times as much too, fast but silent, very playful but extremely dangerous. He once bite off his vet's finger when he got his first shot. It was hilarious and disturbing to say the least.

He was a runt when I got him and I hadn't expected this when I found the little puppy all alone.

Then theres Mina, black with spots of white going along her tail and bits on her darkened face, with beautiful blue eyes. I paid a shit ton of money for her but it was worth it. She's calm most times, clever and elegant. Fast and quick on her feet. I love both my pets to bits.

I'd started to walking towards the light in hopes to finally find someone. I'd already checked around with the two animals early when I was getting ready for a class, dressed up and everything, just to be met with the sudden nerving quietness of the always buzzing, loud Japan, stopped and found it to be basically deserted. But this light and the billboards speaking of a game sound promising of people.

I, at best skillfully jumped between two tall walls of a building with my hands still buried in my pockets of my hoodie from the cold. My pets following after with just as much effort, I trained alongside my grandfather in the arts of stealth and self defense as well as attack but unfortunately for him, I wasn't the grandson he'd hoped for so he'd treated me like a boy and only trained me in hopes to feed his own denial.

Imagine finding out your grandfather wasn't too happy for what you were going to be born as, but it had always been a burden on me because of my gender. In that time after he passed, I'd trained my pets myself to the tea in case of such situations and what do you know, all that money didn't go to waste, not that it mattered.

We made it to a building that lead to an elevator. A man and a woman. Complete strangers to me but a complete sign of new hope there were more people.

The woman displayed a calm and collected appearance but in acual fact was sweating bullets and her body vibrated with anxiety. Although with her act, the man came off more as smug and overly excited to meet my chest rather than my face first. I zipped my hoodie up further and his eyes finally averted to mine with another smug expression.
Another reason I stayed away from men and people most times.

"In this world and the next" Chishiya x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora