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Their team is falling apart, only four left. Watching them fall apart was more fun than I anticipated


Never mind two, turns out blue bell, Urumi isn't the Jack.


And then there were none. Oh wow.

"I don't think I can keep playing this game" Ippei lets out as his tear begin to fall from his face.

"Diamond" i tell him and he turns to me "How much longer? It's so messed up. I thought that, people were much better than this"

"Man you lived a charmed life" a hit to my stomach as I turn to the woman. I mouth a sorry to Sora
"Do better asshole" I sigh.
"I'm sorry. But this is our reality now, maybe we won't get out of this alive. Even so, all we can do for now is help each other so that we can get out of this game" I crouch down to him to his shaking form on the ground
"Okay? We can do this. Okay, what's my symbol?" He collects his sobs before speaking "Heart"
"And mine" Sora crouches to hold onto his hands then bends her head. "Spade" she looked up at him again "Thank you" she hugs him for a while.
"You were an amazing team player, with the brightest soul, even with knowing the circumstances at first but you kept yourself together this far. I'm proud of you" she let go of him and stands to walk to her cell. She knows too, what is to happen.


There's an explosion in the distance. I walk out and find Sora already by his door staring blankly inside.
"You were truly too kind for this world, Ippei" she turns to me
"And yet he still seemed to make you warm up to him"
"Maybe you're right"

Sora POV

I'd woken up earlier since we were allowed to sleep in the night and no one could kill me without getting themselves killed and based on the player left, the chances were slim of that happening. I woke up to Chishiya's head on top of mine and his jacket laid on my shoulders, if it was past me, I'd never believed he'd do this for me but now things were different, we were different. He seemed to wake up when I did as well as everyone else.

After my poor minion man, Ippei died. I didn't like the idea of fucking around anymore. With intel and wits in place I can tell the Jack shouldn't be that Bande kid, aka the serial killer. Then the emo kid then the business guy then his fuck toy. Chishiya and I already confirmed neither of us were the Jack. I had half believed Chishiya when he told me about the cases against Banda till I remembered a friend's relative of his died by that name. Bande. The plan now with Chishiya was to convince his emo hair looking lacky to turn on him if not then I have my answer.

"You sure you'll be okay?" Chishiya asks me. I'm about to leave him here in the cafeteria since we figured the emo boy would come down here to get a one of his "favorite" cookies. Chishiya needed to at least convince the boy otherwise towards his partner.
"Yes I'm sure. Try convince the boy. I'll be back to see what I can find. You're a Diamond remember"
"And you're a Heart. Just what I see you as" a smile creeps to my face before I get up and walk away before the kid comes.


"Back for a retry of last time" I knew he'd come. "Sorry for my friend's repulsive behavior. He won't be coming to disturb us again" he starts to kiss me then my jaw then down my neck
"You sure that friend of yours isn't the Jack?"
"Positive" I let a moan slip. He pulls Chishiya's jacket off down my arms before tossing it aside and lifting me to wrap my legs around his waist
"And you aren't either?" A groan from him when I push myself against his growing erection. He moves his hand under my shirt and starts to unclip my bra

"In this world and the next" Chishiya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now