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It's been 2 weeks since the whole traumatic event happened. Arisu is healed as well as Usagi. Who are both doing much better physically. Mentally? I'm sure they still won't be able to handle that yet. We're on our way to the place in which Momoka and her friend were working as dealers for the game master before they both died of course, leading us there was a video they took to the place.

I hop down to the train rails as Arisu grabs me by the waist in an attempt to help me down as we shortly follow after Usagi. We walk into the dark with torches in hand as we're then met with an insanely tall work office type set up.

A cylinder full of TVs and inside of it more with office desks and a great display of dead bodies at offices and on the floor. All with lazer hole through their skulls.

"You found it too"

The familiar group of butterflies go off again in my stomach as soon as I hear that voice. It's been 2 weeks and a few days since the fire and him. "I expected no less from you two" Chishiya and Kuina walk out from the shadows from the other side of the cylinder. He walks slowly and connects our eyes and doesn't seem intent on breaking his eyes on me even if I broke it with him.

"Long time no see" Kuina comes around the opposite way and stretches her arms out with a sad smile. I slowly walk to her to hug her as well.

"You didn't die?"

"You didn't too?" I smile at her

"What's going on?" Usagi asks out

"Thanks to you three, I have all the numbered playing cards right here. Well one isn't, but I know it's safe. Still though, Thank you" he smiles in Arisu's, Usagi's and my direction. The card in my hoodies pocket starts to burn at my skin.

Chishiya POV

She hasn't changed in the slightest. Still having her hair dyed red at the back and in the front, clear gray eyes and smooth brown skin. As beautiful as the day I lost her. She's wearing black bagged pants with white blotches on them I think resembling her cat, Mina was her name. And wearing a black cropped fitted shirt and a black hoodie on top as well as white and black sneaker. Black and white is her theme now I guess.

Sora POV

"How did you find this place?" Arisu asks. Chishiya pulls out a paper from his pocket.

"It took me a while but I figured out that this is actually the map of a subway station" he opens it up and I recognize it.

"You picked it off from that women from Tag" his smile softens

"I'm glad you remember. So what happens when we collect all the cards? I thought coming here would provide me with an answer. But I gotta tell you. I only know one thing" he walks closer

"These people aren't the game masters, are they?" Arisu asks again.

"Right. Well that's pretty clear now, and the fact they were all killed after our victory. They were just human like us. But the funny thing is, there's someone above them"

"Then who could they be?" Usagi voice comes out more tainted

"Who knows. Aliens? Or maybe a god"

The screens all turn on section by section by section turning my vision to a blind as I slowly adjust to the now bright room. I walk over to Kuin with Chishiya, Arisu and Usagi right behind as we stand. Loud trumpets bomb in my ear as all four cards appear on screen then who appears on screen next shouldn't have been a surprise had we all been more aware and cautious.

"Congratulations to all players" Mira announces sitting ever so comfortably on her "throne". She rumbles on and on and on about the past games played and goes as far as to show the deaths of all those who were lost and explains them in an ever so slow pase and cheerful tone to taunt survivors. I spot Karube and Chora and immediately turn away from it.

"In this world and the next" Chishiya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now