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It's been two days since I couldn't find Arisu and here he was laying in the street, passed out. For better or for worst he could be dead but the thought of not knowing what happened isn't settling. I sat on the ground infront of him as Mina takes a nap on him. And Theo continues to sniff at the boy

"This is useless"

I move to the boys face and tapped at him repeatedly till he groan awake and looked at me before his eyes grow big.


Hearing my name out his mouth is such a rasp sad defeated tone shot an arrow at my heart and seeing as how Karube and Chora weren't besides him in the same state I could tell they never will be able to again. I understand the situation of the boy now.

"Come here" he slowly rises to sit up and hugged me to the ground and his entier body shakes so hard I was scared if I moved he'd stop and break completely.

"it's okay I'm still here" he whimpers silently but I can feel tears seeping through my shirt.

It's been a whole day we layed there and the night out now but I was now too tired to care. My visa ends in 6 days so I have time, I'm just hoping he did too. A girl walked by earlier, the climber. She paused but went on her way, she'll be back judging by the fact she stopped to begin with.


The morning light shone on my skin and eyes and I groaned awake when a bit of furr crawled into my nose when I inhaled. I sneezed it out to find myself buried in the side of Theo's side. "Arisu" his eyes were open but he didn't say anything

"Arisu we need to get up"


"Arisu" he looked at me with teary red eyes

"I'm not ready yet, please. Don't go"

I wasn't either Karube and I at least were close, he was like an older brother to me. And once I figured out Arisu situation I didn't feel the need in getting up either but I had to but with Arisu's require now how could I. I layed back down and stayed quiet thinking of what exactly happened.

Hours past by and it was raining out, I didn't care. As long as I had Arisu safe right now even with the chances of him and I getting sick. I didn't care much for the rest.

But she did.

The climber girl came again as expected, this time with a short lifter and carried us both onto it without a second thought. Neither Theo or Mina protested, but followed her in her tracks. We ended up in a warehouse and she made a fire for us to keep warm while she went on to do whatever she did in our presence.

"You were gonna catch a cold" she spoke. No answer, but she continued to press forward.

"Do they always follow you around?" She's directing this to just me this time as she points towards the animals surrounding me and Arisu. I sit up fully and look at her and she stares at me

"Do you have a nam-"


It come out flat but loud enough. She smiles.

"I'm Usagi"

Another moment of silence goes by.

"You live alone?" She pauses and turns back to what she was doing, three bowls of food.

"Yeah I do" it must be a sensitive topic

"Thank you for the help. Truly" she walks over with the bowls in a struggles when one drops but with a slight burn on my arm and quick moving, I caught it.

Looking up at her closely and start to stand slowly with the bowl in hand, she keeps eye contact with slowed breathing as I get to my height and seem to tower her slightly.
Black short bob cut hair, slim slightly curved and muscler structure, pink lips and cute big doe eyes.

"Thanks" she mutters in hoarse voice.

"You're cute" I let out
I smile and brush her arm slightly with my hand and walk over to where I once sat when goosebumps form on her skin at my touch.

I think I made her uncomfortable...

"Sorry too by the way" she turns to me but doesn't say anything. We eat in silence when I get lost in the field of my mind.


Usagi and I helped around the whole of yesterday and she seems comfortable now with my presence, it has been two days.

"You should talk to him" she says as she stretched outside and I sit on a vent fan thing to coach her.

"Mmm I would but I want you to do it. You have till tonight" she looks at me in disbelief

"What?! But he's your friend?!" She whisper yells as to not alert the boy, not that I think he'd care right now but I just smile at her

"I know but I want you to at least try be close with him. Plus I have a suspicion his visa ends today, same as you" mine ends in two.

"What even is the purpose of me doing it?" She scoffs

"You two to grow a bound of course" I give her the brightest smile and she sighs once more.


"Aww you're so sweet" she scoffs again.
"Usagi" she turns to me and picks up on my change in attitude and does the same.

"I'll be gone for a while okay. When Arisu finally decides to care about the world around him and himself. Tell him I'll be back somewayand I won't leave him" she stares at me with wide eyes

"But where are you going?" I walk over to her

"Beach" her eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"He'll probably get you there too somehow. He's a smart kid and you'll be safe. Do you want to keep Theo or Mina with you?" Said pets come up and circle around her and she picks up Mina

"I'll make sure she's safe too"

"I know you will" I kiss the top of her and Mina's head and signal to Theo to follow me. I walk towards the edge with him and jump.


The building isn't as tall and the night is already here. I've been gathering information on this Beach Chishiya keeps wanting me to join. And I've come up with that they collect and hold the cards to most of the games to apparently escape. They go in groups in cars and as soon as they win, they leave.

I'll wait tonight to find the place so far. I should relax a bit.

"Wanna go for a walk boy?" He barks and jumps and runs around already

"That's what I thought" we start off running, making our way back to my apartment. I will be missing tonight's meal with Usagi and Arisu today so I need to make it to my place.

I make it and head inside, it's practically the same as it was. I find a generator my dad had been so persistent I get and turn it on. The lights all turn on but all I need is the stove.

An hour later of a meal and I've hit pure boredom without my girl.

"Usagi what would you be doing right now?" I stared up at the sky. Then a flash of lights glowing from an area.



A game and blood later and I won with the most biggest smile on my face. It was a trust fall but not what you think. I "killed" about 5 people who were seen unworthy. A women and four men trying to force themselves on a high school looking girl with dreads while she was injured.

Again, I'm no god but a Reaper in a way.

"In this world and the next" Chishiya x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon