Chapter 25: Operation Amara (Part 2)

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Jason POV:

"Why the hell did you have a bloody wig in your wardrobe?"

I heard Leora ask me as we walked down the footpath of Gotham streets.

"Like I said, many of us have to go undercover while doing the stuff we do. Besides, you look just like your self with the Karen hairstyle"

Leora gave me an unimpressed look before stepping on my foot as we walked. She had a blonde wig as well as a black shirt she wore under her half zipped purple hoodie.

"If anything, you'd look good with a black eye right about now" She remarked at me, walking with a less than excited mood visible on her face.

I let out a small chuckle, "Hey, come on! You can't be too mad at me. We're doing this for Amara, aren't we?"

Leora pressed her lips together before grumbling under her breath, "This better be worth it or else I will make sure you won't even have any eyes to look at"

I shrugged as a few bystanders gave us a horrified look at Leora's words. We made our way to a clothes shop and looked at Leora, "We have about a few hours before the others notice we're gone. Think you can pick an outfit by then?"

Leora shook her head, "I won't be able to pick clothes even if I was given an eternity. I mean, have you seen my wardrobe... oh wait, it's burnt to a crisp" she said with a deadpanned look.

I sighed, "How about this, you can buy some stuff for Amara and yourself? How does that sound?"

Leora raised her eyebrow at me, "And since when did the ever present asshole become so generous?"

I smirked, "Who said I was the one paying?"

It took Leora a few seconds to process my words before she gave me a deadpanned look, "You stole Bruce's credit card again, didn't you?"

"Bingo. Guess you're not just some lawyer for show huh?" I said, showing her the golden credit card as she sighed.

"Honestly, how is he supposed to be the most renowned detective if he can't even figure out that you stole his card?"

I shrugged, "Who cares? We have the shop and the day all to ourselves. Let's go"

Leora let out a sigh before opening the door, muttering, "This better be worth it..."


"You know, you're just giving me a reminder on why I always hate shopping with my aunties"

Leora grumbled while carrying her fair share of her bags while I carried mine, walking back as we were barely able to see where we were going.

"Well- *stumbles* Guess that taught you a thing or two about this stuff, huh?" I said, stumbling at the tiled pathway while carrying the bags.

"*huff* If I learnt one thing while shopping with them, is that to never let Aunt Selina near a jewelry shop. That cat has stolen more than enough stuff for me to return while lying" Leora said, already sweating as she carried the bags.

"How long is the Manor from here, by the way?"

"3 hours"

Leora stopped at her tracks as she looked at me with wide eyes, "3 bloody hours!?"

I looked at her with a confused look, "Yeah? What about it?"

"You're telling me, I have to carry these god forsaken bags for 3 more hours!? I'll end up going to the hospital faster than the Manor!" She said with a huff as she glared at me.

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