Chapter 34: Puzzles Falling Into Place

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Jason's POV:

I hated everything about this. First I tell everyone that Leora was being the crazy one by memorising that stupid recording and now I have to keep an eye on Amara.

"This is going fantastic...." Sparrow comments, clearly being sarcastic.

I scoff, "I would be anywhere but here right now"

Even behind her mask, I could tell she was rolling her eyes.

"...Were you serious that she memorized everything?" She asks me.

I was happy that she at least cared about Leora despite all the times she broke her trust. Maybe they did grow a special bond while I was away.

"Yes. She could tell the colour of the crowbar and where I sustained injuries to a scarily accurate detail. I think it's obvious that she's not joking" I mumble, trying desperately to find any clue.

We both went silent for a moment, not wanting to say anything anymore.

"....You know, I kinda missed this" Sparrow mumbles.

"Missed what?"

"Just... working together, I guess" She landed on the roof beside me, stumbling a bit.

I manage to catch her before she trips, "How the hell are you not dead?"

She rolls her eyes, pushing my hand away, "I know what I'm doing"

"Clearly" I say sarcastically, leaning near the edge as I look down at the city.

The silence was thick, enough to be cut through a knife.

"Why did you guys end up coming to this kind of work? Weren't you satisfied with your normal lives?" I ask, the question bugging me since forever.

"We were..." Sparrow stands beside me, using her binoculars to look around, "But I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to avenge you... I got so close but... I didn't know Lele was ahead of me..."

I could hear a bit of bitterness in her voice, maybe even regret.

"Why drag her into this then? Why didn't she stop you?"

Sparrow seemed lost in thought, "I don't know why she didn't stop me. She didn't bother saying anything after one warning but... she insisted to be by my side. She wanted to help me"

I stay quiet. It seemed that was a common thought all of us had.

"Making a difference..." I mumble, contemplating those words.

"Sis.... She knew what she was getting into even when she was younger than both of us" She mumbles, "I knew what I was getting into but not as much as her. She insisted to at least be my... gal behind the chair, I guess. She knew how to track down anyone, knew how to use disguises, play dirty..."

"She knew how to play with people's minds" We both said at the same time, chuckling.

"Damn... Guess she was a bat even before being one" Jason mumbles.

"Hey! I fill those qualifications better than her!" She says.

I couldn't help but laugh, "True... Blue or Green eyes, black hair, trauma, dead parents. You fill all of those. Lele only fills two of them"

Sparrow shakes her head, "But somehow she's still qualified"

I nod, looking back down at the city again.

After a few seconds, we hear something fall. We move towards the sound and notice the Talon running away. Just as Amara was about to run after him, I stop her.

Whispers of Identity (Batfamily Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें