Chapter 21: Seeds Of Doubt

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Everyone stood at the door of the warehouse. There wasn't much that looked out of place.

With a sigh, Robyn opened the door to her warehouse and switched the lights on. The warehouse was.... Unique to say the least, the couch was kept infront of a TV while few broken microwaves held the TV up, the kitchen had more old school cooking appliances than the more modern ones..... tho it looked more like a chemistry lab than a kitchen.

The bats scattered themselves around and Red Robin reached a shelf filled with jars of.... Something

"Hey, what's in these jars?" He asked, looking at the jar with curiosity

"The tears of orphaned children" Robyn replied nonchalantly

"W-What" Everyone stopped whatever they were doing to look at Robyn who was just looking through her kitchen cupboards

"I said, the TEARS of ORPHANED CHILDREN" Robyn repeated, emphasizing her words

"Where did you get them from?" Nightwing asked, his voice laced with worry as he now started to observe the jar

"From myself" She said, her voice holding frustration as she couldn't find anything in her cupboards

"Why would you do that exactly, Hood?" Robin asked

"Experiment" Robyn then shut her cupboards and started to walk over to the 'lounge'

"What is your experiment?" Red Hood said, looking at the jar and questioning how he missed it in his last visit

"I wanna see if those tears are enough to salt my food" Robyn leaned down and started to look through her broken microwaves

"Why do you need tears to salt your food?" Spoiler asked, worrying for her 'enemy'

Robyn stopped whatever she was doing and then stood tall and said with a straight face

"* stares * Cause. I. am. BROKE."

The moment caused Sparrow to break out laughing and the others joining along while Robyn went back to what she was doing but with a slight pride that she was able to make people laugh

"Y-You could have just asked me for money if you were broke" Sparrow wiped a tear that threatened to fall as she held her stomach from laughing so much

"Do you really think I would do that?"

"No.. * continues laughing * not really"

"Then you got your answer" Robyn's mask then started to pick up a ticking sound. With narrowed eyes, she then looks through the last microwave only to see a ticking bomb with the timer being at 5 seconds

"TAKE COVER" Everything went in slow motion as Robyn used the last of her time to shield her sister as the others took cover

* BOOM *


Robyn woke up with a headache as she looked around to see where she was. Once her vision was cleared, she saw that she was at the center of a white masked audience. She quickly touched her face to realize that they didn't, in fact, remove her mask.

"Where am I?" Robyn asked, her mind being on edge as the moment passed

"You have been brought here for an offer, Robyn Hood" The white masked man in the center spoke

"And who exactly am I speaking with?" Robyn said looking straight at the man. She knew there was more to this than it seemed, there always was.

"I am the Grandmaster; you are in the presence of the rulers of Gotham. You are in the presence of the Court of Owls" The man in the middle spoke

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