pgr the myth of pedojala

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ZONE AND THE ROTTING AGE the prompt water

"Then what happened"

"He was prejudice towards my braids"

"But your wonderful zone I love pochehauntes"

"Not when I was darker then him. Our religion voodoo was Christian Wiccan with black rights. I invented science it went wrong my enemies are thebtentcruels becuase I have a tape ofba sucide"

"But grimdaek was dark good for me ne?"

Hailey pondered.."You were rewarded by shinto in the feather war where they traded my people. I reincarnate in an instant. And change my face and tones upon death. A new trope for every...mpig eater or yerks or fairy I was once. They named me Eleanor. They named me ged. My chosen name is Tobias aryrian but your something called a controller by fisry law. Come with my oatmeal and your brain won't hurt anymore. But you need a uniform and it's a yellow coat. We're sabatgoing the nightmares that eat flesh as boats. Then we'll live in a wail where you can eat pancakes. But this is chrinos my current god form the Thurs of mars."

"But water was there" argued haily.

"Yes and now you have a wand. Did I ever tell you about my lost companion jaket. I was aries then my second life mars."

"Then what happened profesor"

"They stole my domain. But I grew around it and blessed a hosptial for a meme. I amam a dreamer of the dream relam the guaridan zone captor a pedorinit or a daddy spider. I want to sew buttons into your eyes cus I am a communist jew but you will love silver and Cory they will never hate you"


The end of the myth of swede with zone lolit captor the chrulhu one on missing chan.

"The first companion the student loved his professor he was like a pedofile as a nice dresser. It was pail rom just good friends. The problem was maikas death then. The problem apeared as a twin body. SO the professor gave him to rory. No one knows the dream lord is zone or what a redemption for missy could be but this is irish lore that copyrighted struck for a river melody. We know our history so do you. Maybe dont copyright it and use ninjistu. This was the start of her waiting for one day, in a way of a century. He kept visiting the roman bridgeter in different faces as i guarded it sincere. I dont miss old one i just wish i knew how. That healer has a new face if reincarnation is real? And on the spot. That i adore. But is it surgery? Can mortals change form?"

#fairuse #wheresthefairuse /#rule16

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