Aaron Burr and the Court of Fae

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Zone captor sat down at the cafe in Brington. The planet to the left nebula of Orion. He ordered a Rainbow Road. A unique drink he hadn't had since the Frost was ended. He smiled somber. There he saw an old old friend, saddened at a loss. Aaron Burr, a man he had met once at Dyglies. A bar in the heart of the Met, a waiting room between realities. "Oh Zone? Good to see you again?" the voice was solen and kind but quite but held sad regret.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"The cracks Zone....they're..." he said quietly.

"They're what?" Zone asked with an egotistical smirk.

"Hurting my students. Hurting my people. Hurting driftwood and..." he trailed off. "They've lost me Kimri." he said almost at a pause.

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss"

Suddenly in a huff Burr grew angry.

"You would know something about that wouldn't you Mr.Captor!" he grew angry almost.

"It's not my fault cracks exist Burr. It's not even my fault I am cracked. It was a fate of medlona, a fate of eronakah, a fate of anasait, of ansair, and oceair it was-" Before Zone could finish he was cut off.

"Bullshit" Burr snapped, raising his hand pacing back tears to slap the man of art.

"I'm sorry you're hurt. But It's not fault that the world is" Zone scoffed. "Like this?"

"What are you even doing Seale? This is not the dimension for you?" Burr asked Zone finally defeated.

"Well I was just adventuring. I travel. Always have. Always well."

"No friends with you this time?"

"I don't do that anymore" Zone was quite.

"You always take someone with you. Or someone to take" Burr was cold. Cruel and out of character menacing.

"I was hoping to take you" Zone smiled innocent twirling his hair.

"No. No. I am not doing that shit again ever Agaeein. I left that shit behind me the second the flower turned red."

"Well." Zone said in a near posh accent. "It was always meant to be I suppose"

"What is going on here?"

"Just one adventure" Zone said with a twinkle in his eye.

"I'm sorry are you really-"

"I'm just the same old me" Zone said without emotion, completely switched as if nothing had changed to Burr's surprise.

"You know what? Fine. One trip. One trip in that stupid old key of yours. If you need a magician then surly I must that." Bur's words were sour. They were horse. He had a lost a friend and he had blamed Zone for that loss.

"Great! Let's order some scones!" with a bag of vanilla scones, the two men were on their way to the forest of Adentey. A haunted place with living trees of Elk, and elven fae running amock.

"What are we here?" burr asked in his usual british tone.

"Well to find the apple?"

"To find the what?" Bur asked confused but catching on.

"Theirs a gift for Woden I'm meant to retrieve. It's deep deep in here somewhere. I'm looking desperately."

"Hmm" Burr said quietly humming a tune he had heard at the bar in Latin. As they walked Burr felt a cold chill arise from the ashes.

"Tell me something Zone. You used to have this child with you. Green makeup. Cuts on the arms"

"Don't" Zone said harsh.

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