Sid and Vimal stood behind Yamini as Jaya and Madhuri checked the jewels one by one on Yamini. Yami's eyes went to Sid first and then to Vimal before deciding on them. Vimal was smiling and patiently watched the women doing their work. His smile was lost when he saw Nivedha, her father and her mother walking inside the store. Nivedha too saw him and Vimal excused from his family and moved to them. 

At the same time Sid saw a beautiful necklace and picked it for Yami and showed it her. He put the necklace on her neck and showed her the mirror.

Amarnath and Nivedha smiled at vimal who greeted them.

Amar: Any special shopping ?

Vim: shopping....

Niv: Wow...they look cute together...who are they ?

Nivedha asked pointing to Sid and Yamini. 

Amar: Can me meet your family out of friendship ?

Vimal felt nervous all of a sudden still nodded his head and took them to his family who got the attention of the three new faces.

Vim: Mom, dad...he is Mr. Amarnath. I met him during a business meet. They are his wife and daughter Nivedha..............

Amar: Nice to meet you all. 

Vim: Sir, he is my father Viswanath you should be knowing. My mom Madhuri, my brother Sid..They are my parents too.. Vijaya mom, Krish dad and she is fiance..

Niv: fiance ?

Madh: Yes...marriage is in three weeks and we are running out of time. We fixed the date in a short time. 

Vis: We will invite you personally Mr. Amarnath. Please do come and bless our children.

Amar: Sure..I will come. Vimal is my favourite person and I will be happy to be there for his big day.

As they kept speaking one of the salesperson who brought juice for everyone stumbled and spilled the juice on Sid.

Yam: Oh my god....please be careful...

She saw Sid's shirt wet from juice and cleaned it with her handkey forgetting the environment. Everyone was used to this so they did not mind but Nivedha found it odd and did not dare to talk.

Yam: Sid, your favourite shirt...god....go wash it before stain gets hard. 

Sid gave his mobile and car key to her before leaving to the washroom. Amarnath took his leave and the family continued their shopping whereas Vimal caught Nivedha's worried face looking at him through the mirrors which was all around the store. He averted his gaze from her and turned to Yami who was also watching him and his line of gaze.

He cleared his throat and smiled at her to clear of any unwanted thoughts from her mind. He took her to the diamond section and both were choosing ring for them. But Yamini felt Nivedha's gaze on them constantly. Vimal was very stiff from the moment Nivedha's family entered the store but Yami did not ask him thinking that she was hallucinating things and got back to the ring selection.

When they finished their selection Yami saw Sid returning after cleaning his shirt and at the same time Nivedha looking at Sid.

Yami Mv: first she was looking at Vimal, next me and now Sid. Who could she be ?

Sid saw Yamini thinking something very serious and pinched her arm making her hiss in pain. Before she could speak he passed a bottle of water to her and she took it happily from him. Nivedha was constantly watching them making Yami uncomfortable under her gaze.

Vim: I will make the payment. you all wait in the car.

Krish: No Vimal, I will pay for it. I need buy for my daughter's wedding. so please.

Vis: Krishna, what is the problem if he pays for it. Let him do it. come lets go and decide a place for lunch. Its already too late and we are starving.

Everyone left from there and Vimal was waiting for the payment to be done and jewels to get packed. Nivedha saw Vimal standing alone and moved to him.

Niv: Hello Vimal, congrats for your wedding.

Vim: Thank you Ms. Nivedha.....Ahhhmmmm.. I m sorry.. My parents has arranged this marriage suddenly and I can't refuse them. 

Nive: Are you marrying her just for you parents ?

Vim: I have already told that I had no plans of getting married. When my parents asked for it I simply could not refuse them and I know Yamini since her birth. She is one member of our family and very close friend to my brother.

Nive: Are you sure they are just friends ?

Vim : Yes, they are just friends and anyone who see them for the first time might mistake them as couple but they are not.

Nive: Have you seen the elephants in temples ?

Vimal looked at her confused on the sudden question and nodded as yes.

Niv: It thinks that the chain that is tied to its leg is the strongest one and would never move beyond that extent of that chain. Sometimes our mind and heart behave like that with false assumptions and needs a wild pull or push like the elephant which behaves mad and comes out of the chain once it goes out of control of its mind. 

Vim: what do you mean ? 

Niv: Sometimes you need to come out of your circle and be a stranger to know and understand certain things. 

She turned her sight to outside and Vimal followed her gaze and saw Sid and Yami having ice cream laughing over something. 

Vim: If you are talking about Sid and Yamini then you are wrong. I spoke to her before we agreed to this wedding. If they had any feelings for them then they know us better that our parents would have accepted them happily.

Nive: If you say so.. Anyway...congrats..bye..

Nivedha left from there sowing the seed the of doubt in Vimal's heart who was still looking at sid and Yamini.



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