Fury of Fire

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Finn and Lily were on a trip for the week on their own. They had recently started dating and just needed some time to themselves without Silvia over their shoulders. "It's nice you know to be able to just have this time to ourselves. Silvia would never let us hear the end of it if she didn't have time to process that information and besides, Steven and sis need some time to fully process this before they realise that this means that any chance of them getting together is gone." Said Lily. 

Finn nodded beside her; they were heading towards a nature reserve for their trip. It seemed fitting considering it was wintertime, and they needed some fresh air. "I wish big bro wasn't heading back to our hometown, I have a feeling he's going to get himself in trouble." Finn said. "He'll be fine, my sister is with him, and she seems to keep him calm. Though if she gets attacked when he isn't looking then he might go berserk, which would be bad." Lily claimed. 

The nature reserve was only a few hours away from the house, but it was still far enough away for them to have some peace. They were there for the week and Finn appreciated everyone's understanding in his relationship with Lily. Still, he felt a nagging thought at the back of his mind telling him that something bad would happen that he would be unable to prevent. "Finn. Hello Finn, are you okay?" Lily asked. 

He shook his head and beamed a smile at her. "I'm fine just lost in my thoughts. We don't need to worry about the others for the week, just the two of us and the beautiful nature around us." Reassured Finn. Lily touched Finn on the shoulder with a kind of worried expression on her face. Her hair had slightly faded to black due to the season. Lily's hair would slightly change at the ends whenever the season changed: It would be all green when it was springtime and summer, her hair would be a slight red orange in autumn, and it would be black in the winter. 

Lily twirled a strand of her hair in between her fingers as she stood on the balcony of the cabin, they were staying in. "You know, I kind of wish we were back on that island. It was so serene there and it would have made the perfect place for us to go on our trip." Finn suggested. Lily looked at him with a smile on her face and then heard a rustling sound coming from the trees. "Did you hear that?" She asked. Finn looked around at the trees with a ball of fire in his hand ready to throw it at whatever was in the trees.

 A dart landed next to Finn, and he braced himself ready for a second one when there was a drop next to him. He looked over at the ground and saw Lily on the deck with a purple dart in her neck. "Lily! Where..." A dart landed in Finn's neck and his eyes began to close as he fell to the ground. "Did he come from?" He hit the deck and saw a pair of black steel-cap boots walking towards him with heavy footsteps and then scooped up both him and Lily. 

Finn awoke to find himself tied to a chair with chains. He tried to ignite his hands to melt the chains, but he couldn't start a fire. He twisted his head and saw that his hands were in a box filled with water. "Great stuck somewhere after being kidnapped from my trip with Lily. If I make it out of here Lazuli will kill me for endangering her sister, I can feel my phone in my pocket, but I probably won't have service and besides my hands are in container of water stopping me from using my fire. Think, what would Steven do in this case." Finn thought. He struggled as hard as he could, but the box wouldn't budge. 

The chains kept rattling until the door opened and a man with golden hair walked in and his eyes unblinking on Finn with an evil grin spread across his face.  "Well, the flaming Dusk is in my grasp. What an opportunity this is." Said the man. "WHERE'S LILY! Finn demanded. The man laughed and one of his bodyguards stepped into the room with an electrical cattle prod. "The girl is fine for now boy, but she won't be if you don't comply." Threatened the man. The bodyguard walked over to Finn and jabbed the prod into his side releasing a blood curdling scream from Finn. "I love it when they scream." 

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