Who I Once Was

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Steven was standing in the warehouse looking in the chest he kept hidden containing his old belongings reminiscing about who he used to be.  "It's been a long time since I've adorned this scarf." Steven said to himself. He was holding a white scarf alongside a pair of yellow goggles. "But I guess those days are behind me. Steven quickly glanced at the large blue scarf sitting in the back of the chest. No don't think about that he wouldn't want you to be stuck on the past but still." Steven said to himself. "Still, I can't believe that I let Silvia trick me over and over again, especially throwing that ball that made Lazuli and I kiss for second." He thought. Steven thought back to before he found Eveline and when he first started his tournament days back in Moonlight Town. 

Six years ago

Steven was walking along the path with his best friend Trace when they randomly came across a flyer saying that someone needed help delivering a package to a house on top of Moondrop Hill. "Moondrop Hill, that's not too far from here, isn't it?" Asked Trace. "No, it isn't but we don't have the package, so we need to get that first." Answered Steven. "Steven and Trace rushed back to town to the address that was specified on the paper. Steven knocked on the door and an old raspy voice told them to come inside. The two of them walked inside the house and awed at how beautifully decorated it was. "Come take a seat." Said the old man. Both of them walked towards a set of beautiful armchairs and sat across from the man. "So I suspect you're here because of one of my flyers I guess?" Asked the old man. "Yessir. We were near the area that you wanted the package to be delivered to." Answered Steven. "Oh how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Harold and this is my house." Said Harold. "Your house is beautiful sir." Exclaimed Trace. "Oh this old place?  Don't worry too much about it, I've lived in this house since I was a wee lad that's all." Said Harold.  

A girl brought all three of them cups of tea as Harold explained why he needed the package delivered and couldn't do it himself. "You boys see I'm not as young as I once was but that wouldn't stop me, except I don't have a talent. I was one of the unlucky few that didn't match with a single talent shard despite everyone's best efforts and the way there has become too dangerous for an old man like me. So if you boys would like you can deliver the package. You look very fit and capable I'm very sure you can handle yourself." Explained Harold. Steven and Trace looked at each other for a brief moment before coming to a decision. "We'll take the job sir and make sure your package makes it there. Said Steven. "Excellent well then here you are." Said Harold handing the boys a large package. "Well good luck to Ya." Said Harold.  "See you later sir!" Yelled Trace. "Those boys are really something aren't they? They remind me of myself when I was their age." Harold said to himself. 

A few minutes later

"Okay we're almost there now all we need to do is get up the hill." Said Trace. "Let's hurry and get there sooner!" Shouted Steven. "Wait! Steven watch out! Shouted Trace. Steven ended up running into a girl who was around the same age as he and Trace. "Oww." Said the girl. "Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Apologised Steven. "It's okay, ahh. Your Steven the silver rank rescuer, my friends told me a lot about you." Awed the girl.  "What did they tell you? I don't want rumours being spread about me." Asked Steven. "Nothing bad just that you were super cool and really cute." Responded the girl. "Oh I didn't introduce myself, I'm Silvia. "What I'm not cute." Exclaimed Steven. Silvia giggled to herself. "What about me? Do you know who I am?" Asked Trace. "Your doctor Robert's son, your dad is a famous scientist of course I know you. Responded Silvia. "My name is Trace! Why does everyone only know me for my dad? Asked Trace. 

Trace was staring, awing at Silvia and how cute she was. Steven, noticing his friend was staring at Silvia quickly threw a jab at his friend hitting him in the head. "Hey what was that for!? Yelled Trace. "Waking you up from your dream girl land." Responded Steven. There was a loud yell from the distance directed at Silvia. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Dads gonna turn me into an icicle if anything happened to you." Said a man. "Big brother I'm fine." Said Silvia. "Alright well now that I've found you let's go home already." Said Silvia's brother. "Just one second." Replied Silvia. "Hey is there any chance you're hitting on her?" Asked Trace. "Nope." Answered Steven. "Suit yourself." Said Trace. He walked up to Silvia with a confident stride. "Hey so wanna hang out later just the two of us?" Asked Trace. "No, my brother says that I shouldn't hang out with boys since every boy I meet falls in love with me." Responded Silvia. "Not everyone." Steven thought. Silvia took a quick fleeting glance at Steven and walked up to him slowly. "Hey what are doing? Stay back." Said Steven. Silvia kept staring at him before standing in front of Steven. "What are you staring at?" Asked Steven. Silvia quickly went up to Steven and kissed him on the lips taking him by surprise before she leapt off towards her brother. 

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