The Cosmic Seashell Diner

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Steven, Lazuli and Silvia all took a seat at the Cosmic Seashell Diner, run by Cosmo; a small man who had a water talent and used it to help himself clean dishes and boil water and loved to collect seashells and decorate the diner with them. "Hello, you three what can I order for you today?" Asked Cosmo. "Steven ordered a simple chicken burger with some fries and Lazuli ordered a meal of sushi and soft drink however, Silvia couldn't decide what she wanted debating between some seafood and a sushi board. "Hmm which one do I want do want the seafood or sushi?" Silvia asked herself. "She'll have the same as me." Lazuli answered for her. "Thank you, dear god Silvia can you decide, any slower." Complained Steven. Silvia laughed to herself and after a few minutes they received their food and happily ate. "Hmm it's so good thank you for bringing us here steven." Said Silvia with a mouthful of food. After they all finished eating Silvia went up to the counter to order some dessert and a familiar face to Steven walked in.

"Huh I wonder if there's anything good today?" Asked the man. He looked over to the table where Steven and Lazuli were sitting and recognised Steven. "Oh, hey buddy, long time no see. Oh wait who is she." He called out. "Oh, hello good to see you." Steven called out. "Well, are you going to answer my question or just bypass it?' Asked the man. "Umm who is he and how do you know him?" Asked Lazuli. "Oh, he's an old friend of mine, his name is Trace." Answered Steven. "Oh, I get it she's your date well I'll leave you to it." Said Trace. Trace walked over to the counter to order and a different man walked up and greeted Lazuli. "Hello, I wasn't expecting to see you around here." Greeted the man. "Hello, what do you want." Said Lazuli. "Nothing just to say hi after such a long time except for you to tell me who he is then I'll go." Asked the man. 

He took a second to survey the two of them and then came to a conclusion. "Oh, wait never mind, I understand I'll leave you two alone then." Said the man. He walked away and Lazuli blushed for a second.  "So you wanna tell me who he was?" Asked Steven. "He is my friend I guess but I don't talk to him much oh and his name is Aidan." Answered Lazuli. "Wait you don't think that he thinks we are...!" Yelled Steven. "Of course not." Exclaimed Lazuli. Both Trace and Aidan bumped into one another and recognised each other. "Oh, it's only you sparky, I was wondering why I was in shock." Mocked Aidan. "Well, isn't this just my bad luck, an omen of bad luck just stepped in front of me." mocked Trace. The two of them start glaring at each other and Steven and Lazuli sat in shock as they realised that they knew each other. 

The doorbell rings and a tall man with crimson hair and eyes with two floating orbs with black hair blue skin and blue eyes. "Man, it sure is noisy here today." Said the man. Silvia turned around to see the man and recognised him. "Oh, hi Henry how are you doing." Called Silvia. "Silvia what are you doing here?" Asked Henry. "Hey, aren't two of your heads both useless and brainless!" Yelled Trace and Aidan. "Oh, I'm sorry but who let you two in here? I thought you were supposed to be on patrol off in some desolate hole. Insulted Henry. All three of them began to throw insults at each other before resorting to violence and began attacking each other. "No if they keep this up, they'll end up destroying the place." Panicked Cosmo. "Destroy this place?" Silvia began to change as she became angry at Trace, Aidan and Henry. "Hey, don't you know you could destroy this place, if you wanna fight go fight somewhere else!" Shouted Silvia. She grabbed the three boys with her ribbons and threw them out the door throwing them into a nearby cart selling all sorts of aromatic oils. 

Silvia grabbed their desserts brought them to the table and enjoyed. Steven and Lazuli just sat silently wondering if they should try and ask Silvia what happened just a second ago or to let her have her ice cream sundae. After they all ate their desserts and paid, they all left for home. "So umm are we going to talk about what happened back there Silvia? Asked Silvia. "About what?" Asked Silvia. "About the fact that you picked up three people and threw them out the door." Answered Steven. "Oh, that no not really." Answered Silvia. "Well, you were super scary back there." Said Lazuli. "Was I? I just wanted them to stop fighting that's all." Said Silvia. "She doesn't even notice when she's angry." Thought Steven and Lazuli. All three of them arrived home and Lazuli and Silvia went into their rooms while Steven went and found Eveline to ask her about what she did. 

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