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Steven awoke to find Lazuli still asleep next to him with her arms wrapped around him and her head on his shoulder. He gently placed her head on the pillow, and he grabbed a fresh set of clothes along with a towel then went to have a shower. The warm water poured onto his skin as the sleep fell out of his eyes. Steven exited the shower and dried himself off before getting dressed. He exited the bathroom and checked to see if Lazuli was still asleep and found her curled up in the blankets with her head pressed against the pillow. Steven smiled and softly closed the door. He walked out to the loungeroom and found Lily sitting with Eveline watching some tv. "Daddy!" Eveline exclaimed. "There's my girl. What were you watching with Lily?" Asked Steven. 

Lily gestured towards the tv and turned the volume up and bit. "Look Steven, you're famous again." Said Lily. Steven looked at the tv and saw himself in his final battle against Nikolai. "I didn't realise that is how I looked when I was in my leviathan state. Also, he never stood a chance from this point of view." Steven claimed. Lily nodded and they watched the broadcast. "It appears that champion, Steven Dusk or more commonly known in the arena as, the Splitting Bolt Speedy, has taken down one of the strongest and most feared fighters in all of the tournaments. "The Acidic Dragoon, Needlelux, was taken down in the final round of the tournament and is still recovering from his injuries received during the fight." Said the anchorwoman. 

Steven stared at his soulless eyes as he created the hydra out of his black lightning. "I never thought that my eyes could ever look scarier than the red eye I get from going berserk, but this takes the cake." Said Steven. Eveline looked at Steven on the tv while he snapped Nikolai's arm and slurped the antidote to his toxin from the spike coming from his hand. "Daddy, will he be, okay?" Asked Eveline. "His arm might be a bit bent from the broken bones but other than that he'll be alright" Steven reassured. The news broadcast ended, and Lily switched the channel to something different. 

Steven went back to his bedroom and opened the door a crack to see if Lazuli was still asleep. Her soft breaths as she slowly woke, and the light went into her eyes from a small opening in the blinds. Steven let her be and went outside towards the town. He wanted to see why Arthur had recommended why he get Eveline DNA tested. He entered a chemist and ordered one. Apparently, the lady at the counter had been watching the news because she instantly recognised Steven. "Y-Y-You are the champion of that tournament they just held on palm island. I didn't know you lived in this town." Said the lady. 

Steven simply nodded and collected the test then left the chemist. He heard all the ladies behind the counter whispering about him. "So which one of us wants his number?" "He is quite hot I must admit and strong too." Two of them said. Steven waved a friendly smile at them and exited onto the street. He walked back home and found that everyone else was awake and all gathered in the kitchen. 

Steven walked in and placed the bag containing the DNA test on the table then picked up Eveline. "Daddy! Where did you go?" She asked. "I went into town to grab you a DNA test. I want to know why Arthur would have suggested that I do this." Explained Steven. Pearl came up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure about this? What if he is trying to trick you into thinking something you don't want to?" She asked. "I have to know. She might have relatives who would want to know she is alive." Steven said. 

He looked at Eveline as if asking if she wanted this. She nodded and Steven took the test out of the bag. He took a swab of her saliva and pricked her finger to get a blood sample then packaged it up. "Those take time you know right. They have to check the samples and cross reference them with who else they have that has the same genomes." Said Blake. "Not with the technology they have now. A machine does that all for them and at incredible rates." Replied Steven. He put the packaged samples in the mailbox and sent them away. 

One month later

Steven walked out to the mailbox and saw a package with a brand he didn't recognise. The label read "DNA test results for Eveline Dusk. Adopted daughter of Steven Dusk." Steven took the package inside and gathered everyone around the kitchen table. "Are you ready?" He asked. Everyone nodded, as Steven turned towards Eveline who was sat on his lap. He opened the package and looked at the results. "Th-This can't be right." Steven said. 

The paper trembled in his hands as he read the results. "Big bro are you okay?" Asked Finn. Eveline looked at the results but didn't understand. "I-I-I. I don't understand." Steven looked around at everyone's shocked faces trying to comprehend what they were reading. The results weren't lying but why had Arthur suggested the DNA test. He must have known. 

Steven took one long look at Eveline who sat confused staring at Steven. "All this time, the little girl who I was raising as an adopted daughter. Was my own blood. My daughter, Eveline Dusk." He said. 

Steven looked at the results and read them aloud for everyone to fully understand. "Eveline Dusk: Father, Steven Dusk, Mother, Cassandra Dawn. Grandfather, Father side, Harrison Dusk, Grandmother, Father side, Mollie Dusk. Grandfather, Mother side, Arthur Dawn, Grandmother, Mother side, Tiffany Dawn. Uncle, Father side, Finn Dusk, Aunty, Father side, Crystal Dusk. Uncle and Aunty, Mother side, Amor Dawn and Serena Dawn." Said Steven. He looked at everyone and saw that Crystal was basically in tears. "I am an Aunty, for this little girl. She isn't a little sister; she is my niece." Said Crystal. She ran over and picked up Eveline giving her a hug while tears flowed from her eyes from being overjoyed. Steven grabbed his phone and called his mum to come to the house. 

A few hours later, she was at the house with the assistance of Ria and Barry. "What is it? Are you sick or Finn or Crystal. Why did you call me here?" She asked. Steven grabbed her hands and helped her over to the table, where the test results were still sitting. She picked up the result and read through them with her eyes slowly tearing up. "You never knew this. I'm so happy. My boy has a daughter, and she is the most adorable thing in the world." Said Mollie. "Your father would be so happy to know that his son has found love." She said. "I think how cute she is comes from her mother." Said Steven. "The Dawn family, they were the rich family in Moonlight Town right. How about that. My boy found his first love with the eldest daughter of a family that deserved his services." Said Mollie. 

Steven looked down at the floor as he realised that Cassandra would never be able to see their little girl grow up. "What's wrong?" Mollie asked. "Cass, died four years ago." Said Steven. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure she would be happy that you were able to raise Eveline all on your own." Reassured Mollie. "Mummy. Daddy, what was mummy like?" Eveline asked. 

Steven looked over at Lazuli, she gave a reassuring nod and Steven knelt next to Eveline. "Your mother was the most beautiful girl I ever met. She was strong, determined and I'm sure when she found out she was pregnant with you that she did her best to make sure that you were healthy." Steven said. "Maybe that was why she was so nervous about that date on the hill. I guess we both were pretty nervous huh." He thought. "Do you think we could go visit her?" Eveline asked. "If you want to baby girl." Steven replied. 

She smiled and Mollie sat next to her smiling with her. "I'm happy that this little one has been raised so happy and healthy. It seems like yesterday; I remember you three all being so little and happy. Your father and uncle were so happy whenever one of you laughed." Said Mollie. 

Lazuli giggled to herself, and Lily stood smiling. "What's so funny?" Steven asked. "Just the thought of a baby you laughing at something you didn't understand." Answered Lazuli. Steven looked at her as she continued to giggle to herself as Steven smirked at her. "You are a handful, you know that." Steven said. He shook his head and Mollie smiled. "They seem happy together, I suppose my boy has found a girl who understands him.

 Maybe they will be happy together. She is quite cute, maybe he could find a bit of himself in her." Thought Mollie. She smiled as Eveline and Lily were laughing at Steven and Lazuli trying not to blush. Silvia sat eyeing Lazuli as if she had stolen Steven from her. Blake was about to sneak away in the shadows when he heard a noise come from upstairs. 

He sank into a shadow and went to where he thought he heard the origin of the sound. "Show yourself!" Demanded Blake. He lit up the rings across his body and held a ball of light in his palm. 

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