Tainted Blood

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Steven wandered the streets of his old hometown with Eveline holding his left hand and Lazuli right beside him. "This is your hometown, Steven? Everyone here doesn't seem to remember you." Lazuli said. "I haven't been here for a while now. Everyone probably doesn't recognise me." Steven said. "Daddy where are we going?" Asked Eveline. "We are going to pay Arthur a visit. He needs to give me some answers and he needs to apologise to both you and Lazuli." Answered Steven.

 Lazuli looked at Steven with concern on her face. "Lily told me when you spoke to him on the ship going home that you tore his arm off." Said Lazuli. "I did do that but with reason. He insulted you; he insulted the others, and he insulted Cass. He does not have the right to say any of the stuff he said." Steven explained. Lazuli nodded with understanding as they headed towards the Dawn household. 

Steven walked up to the door and knocked twice, there was call telling Amor to answer the door. The door opened and Amor almost jumped when he saw Steven standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here. You know dad hates you right." He said. "I know but he owes me some answers. Like how he somehow knew to have Eveline tested. How did he know that she was my real daughter." Explained Steven. Amor turned pale as his eyes darted between Steven and Eveline. He noticed that Eveline did have his blue eyes, but her hair was black, and Steven never had black hair. "Cass. You and Cass had this child. No wonder dad thinks her blood is 'tainted', she has your blood running through her veins." Said Amor.

 He went to reach for something behind the door, but Steven grabbed him by the collar and ripped him out the doorway. "If you dare try anything that might push me over the edge... well remember what happened when your dad pissed me off." Steven threatened. Amor's eyes were flying everywhere out of fear trying to see if lightning was about to strike him. 

Lazuli reached over and grabbed Steven's hand and had him release Amor. "Steven remember we aren't here for him. Your problem is with his father." Said Lazuli. As she said that Arthur appeared in the doorway with his golden eyes almost glowing with fire. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I want answers. How did you know Eveline was my real daughter?" Steven demanded. "Do you consider me a fool. Do you think I wouldn't notice that my own daughter was with child? Do you think that I wouldn't have asked her how it happened? Answer me boy!" Arthur demanded. "Firstly, my name isn't boy, It's Steven Dusk. The champion who is about to kick your ungrateful ass." Claimed Steven.

 His eyes turned black and suddenly he was behind Arthur. "Lesson one, learn how to understand your children's needs instead of forcing them into situations they don't want to be in." Steven grabbed Arthur by the scruff of the back of his neck. "I bet the moment you found out Cass was pregnant you were thinking of one of two things to do. Either force her into a marriage she didn't want or drag me over and either kill me then the baby or force us to get married. Am I right?" Steven claimed. "You say that but what have you done for your family." Argued Arthur. 

Steven stared at Arthur with his void-like eyes, an expression of anger drawn across his face. "I provided and cared for my family, my brother when we were younger was the one who was infected. I saved him from that virus so he could have a normal life. My sister always thought we were a poor family; I would scrape together enough money to buy her comics and other books she liked. Eveline, this little girl who needed a family. I might not have known she was my daughter, but I knew she needed someone to love her and care for her. Cassandra, the girl I loved, and it is a damn shame that she was your daughter. The expression on my mother's face when she found out that she was a grandmother, it was an expression that would have covered Cass's face after this little girl was born." Said Steven. Tears were forming at the corners of his eyes, they had returned to normal as Arthur stood in place, anger still drawn across his face. 

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