Leviathans Awakening

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Steven stood in the middle of the arena his anger higher than he ever imagined it could be and all because of the smug man in front of him. "You do not have the right to utter Cassandra's name ever. If you do, then I will personally." Steven's left eye returned to normal but did not stay that way for long. Both eyes turned pitch black with his pupils dilating with only the iris being blue dots. "SEND YOU DOWN TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!" Steven shouted. His voice being now similar to his berserk one, but this state was different, and Blake noticed. "He isn't berserk but still I can feel the negative emotions pouring out of him." Then he noticed Steven's eyes, pitch black with only a single dot of colour visible. "Oh no. Everyone prepare for some serious voltage; I know what happened to Steven." Warned Blake. 

He explained firstly the reason why Blake knows what happened to Steven. "Remember when Steven got badly hurt? Before he fully remembered who he properly was, I had to give him a blood transfusion for him to heal fully in the amount of time he did even with that healing factor. I was born with something know as leviathan." Blake explained. Everyone was listening as black lightning whipped around the arena at skull splitting speeds. 

Steven stood in the centre of the arena with his eyes cold and dead, laser focusing on Nikolai. "Leviathan is similar to the berserker virus only it has more control and doesn't provide as much of strength boost. There are only two or three ways to become a leviathan. Either being born with it or by being turned into one by another leviathan." Blake explained. He turned left and looked at everyone else with his eyes now the same as Steven. "It takes extreme control to be able to willingly switch into the leviathan, but Steven is a strange case. He might never be able to switch into leviathan on his own without rage. He also might get a stronger boost than other leviathans because of that rage and also because of the berserker." Said Blake. 

Black lightning rolled across the arena walls streaking towards Nikolai. "Nowhere to run, the true dragon king will ruin you!" Steven yelled. The lightning circled around Steven forming what seemed to be reptilian heads. Nine of them. "Do you know of the old myths? They tell of a horrible monster with nine heads, it had acid spit and couldn't be killed by normal means. That monster was called the hydra and I happen to like it, so my newest pet is that but made up of my lightning." Said Steven. 

The heads spun around facing straight at Nikolai, their hisses sounding like thunder, their crackling like storm clouds. The black storm serpent slithered their way over Nikolai faster than he could comprehend. "How?" A tail slammed into his side and knocked him into two heads waiting with their mouths open. "How did you create such creatures. How is your lightning this alive?" Nikolai questioned. The serpents' mouths clamped down onto his right arm and left leg. He screamed in agony as the lightning surged through his body frying his nerves temporarily. "I will not tolerate people like you who think they go around thriving off of other's misfortunes. Never again. You will never insult anyone ever again because of their past, and you will never especially insult me, my friends, my family or Cassandra again!" Warned Steven. 

The hydra's heads wrapped around Nikolai's body cutting off his blood flow. "What do you want from me? I can't undo the past." Struggled Nikolai. Steven stared at him, soulless while his hydra slowly snuffed the life out of Nikolai. Steven clicked his fingers, and the hydra heads dropped him to the ground where he lay paralyzed. "I want you to understand the pain I went through after Cass's death. Something you wouldn't understand because you have never been loved." Said Steven.

He opened his palm where a bolt of lightning was forming, while Steven stared down at the hopeless Nikolai. "Any last words before you forget who you are?" Steven asked. Nikolai smirked and a large spike pierced through Steven's arm with a purple liquid was seeping through the wound. Steven leaped back clutching the wound knowing that it wouldn't close while poisoned. "I was hoping you would get cocky. My poison is more potent when my opponent has a faster heartrate." Steven stood in place with lightning sparking faster around him. His heartrate increased dramatically. "What are you doing!? You think making my poison work faster will help you somehow!" Shouted Nikolai. 

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