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The trip had finally ended and as everyone boarded the ship to return home, the mayor quickly ran up to the group and took a huffed breath. "Thought I hadn't caught up to you in time but since I have, I need to tell you all something." Said Mayor Brewery. "What is it? We were about to head off to sea but since you came all this way." Steven pushed. "I wanted to give you this." The mayor produced a small package from his jacket and handed it to Steven. "It is a souvenir from our luxurious markets." Claimed Mayor Brewery. 

Steven opened the package and inside was a small bottle of wine, some different syrups and many exotic fruits. "Thank you except these are from the mayor. Not you." Said Steven. He re-wrapped the package and handed it to Pearl. "I know what you are. A shapeshifter, disguising yourself as Mayor Brewery. He wouldn't come all the way out here just to deliver a souvenir package." Claimed Steven. The shapeshifter shrugged and dropped their disguise with purple slime falling off of their body as a smile crawled across their face. 

A laugh escaped the woman's mouth while the others stood in shock. "A shapeshifter. I thought that it was only a myth." Said Pearl. The woman in front of them stood with purple slime slowly sliding down her blonde hair. "It appears the champion has figured out my little plot." She started sarcastically clapping her hands together. "I'm genuinely impressed. Not many have seen through my disguises but you sir, are talented. If you feel like keeping your friends safe." 

She lunged onto Eveline and held a black claw to her throat. "Then you will come with me, peacefully." Said the woman. Steven stood in place with lightning sparking around him. "You let my daughter go or I swear, you will never be able to be recognised again." Threatened Steven. The woman sat grinning with her claw hand edging closer to Eveline's throat. "Move an inch and she dies." The woman threatened. Steven stood up straight, poised like he was in a formal meeting. 

A flash of lightning slammed into the woman's head knocking her away from Eveline. "Leave my daughter alone you filthy bitch!" Steven yelled. The woman flipped herself up onto her feet with Steven standing between her and Eveline. "I swear you are one vicious man." She licked her lips and smirked. "Maybe that's why General Wrath wants you on our side." Claimed the woman. Steven stood with his eyes trained on the woman as she flicked the rest of the slime off of her. "The most annoying part about shapeshifting is the slime getting stuck to me." 

The woman claimed. Steven was sick of her and focused his mind and breathing. "Trying to control your anger, I have a way of getting into people's heads after all." Said the woman. Steven tensed his muscles and opened his eyes, revealing nothing but black void with only a couple of blue dots. "Ooh a Levithan, how thrilling. I haven't seen one in action for years." Said the woman. 

She went to lunge at Steven but was frozen in place, her feet being stuck together and to the ground. Fred walked forward and examined her face before his eyes widened.  "D-Diana, is that you?" He asked. She averted her eyes and tried to train them on Steven, but her view was blocked. "Look at me." Fred grabbed the sides of her face and stared into her eyes. "My god it is you. Why did you leave me and the kids. Please explain." Asked Fred. 

Diana did nothing but stare at the ground when Silvia walked over, her ribbons flowing through the air. "Dad who is this and how do you know her?" She asked. "She's your mother Silvia but I don't know why she left so suddenly all those years ago, when you were just a baby." Fred explained. Silvia looked at the woman in front of her but could not convince herself that she was her mother. Diana broke out of the ice and leaped off of the boat into the sea, turning herself into Crystal to move swiftly through the water and disappear. 

Steven ran to the side of the boat and launched bolts into the ocean, but it was useless, she had gotten away through the ocean. "Dad, you have a lot of explaining to do." Confronted Griffin. Fred sighed and began to explain what had just happened. "She was the first girl to truly appeal to me and when I found out she had a shifter talent I was surprised at first but got accustomed to it. Eventually we got married and over the years ended having these two." He said gesturing at Griffin and Silvia. "She said she was here to grab me for General Wrath. 

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