"Yo Lauser! Come on, we have to go." Dinah popped her head in front of me.

Me: sorry babe we have another interview to do 😔

Y/N: 😩 aww but I wanted to keep talking to you

Me: I know, me too. I'll talk to you as soon as I can. Love you xoxo 😘

Y/N: love you too 😘

After our first interview we had a chance to grab some lunch back at the hotel room. The girls and I were all eating sitting by the TV looking at whatever is on.

"So Lauren," Ally spoke up. "you nervous to meet Y/N's family and friends?"

"Definitely. I mean not so much her family, but more so her friends."

"What why?" Norman joined in. I thought for a moment. Why was I more nervous to meet her friends than her family?

"I don't know...I guess I'm just worried they won't like me or something. Then it would be weird when we hung out with them." I thought out loud looking down on my plate of food. I felt someone grab my hand and it was Camila.

"Lauren, you have nothing to worry about. You are an incredible person and Y/N knows that. Just be yourself." she offered with a soft smile.

"Thanks Camz." After a few moments of silence Dinah broke it, trust Dinah to say what she was going to say.

"So you going to jump that girl when you see her?"

"Dinah!" Ally smacked her arm.

"What? I was just wondering. I mean they've been together for how long, like 8 months?" she looked over to me and I nodded in response. "I'm just wondering if they've done the dirty yet." she finished with a smirk plastered on her face and the oh so subtle wiggling of the eye brows.

I couldn't help the blush that appeared throughout my cheeks. Y/N and I have only been intimate once, back in Christmas. It's only been a month, not trying to say that I'm some sort of sexually frustrated teenager....but I definitely do miss being with her like that too. I guess from my silence, the blush and my fighting smile from recalling our first time together, the girls caught on.

"Oh shit! You guys totally have done it!" Norman pointed out. Ok now I really can't help but blush even more.

"Girl why didn't you tell us?" Ally asked. I simply shrugged my shoulders.

"When, where and how the hell was it?" Dinah asked excitedly. Geez I did not realise the girls would be so interested in my sex life with Y/N. Especially Ally.

"Ok. The night before she had to leave, Christmas break and in my room at my house."

"At your house!" Dinah, Normani and Ally shouted. I quickly shook my head, figuring out what they were so worried about.

"Everyone was out for the night, so we had the house to our selves." They had a relieved look on their faces. "it was....god it was perfect. She was so nervous, it was so adorable. She was gentle and soft, I remember her asking me if I was ok with it. It was amazing and I honestly wouldn't want my first time any different and I wouldn't want it with anyone else." As I gushed out the details of our night where I completely gave myself to Y/N, TMZ came on and usually we would ignore it but they mentioned Y/N's name. Thats when I stopped talking and our attention diverted to the TV.

"Yo so right now Y/N is on brake back in Australia and boy do we have some juicy news for you. We've got exclusive pictures and footage of Y/N having a fun night out with friends. Perhaps a bit too much fun?"

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