Epilogue: A Plan ||| Perspective: Jaferoyite Norxiao

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(takes place approximately thirty-two years after the main events of this story's main storyline and events)

Jafer sat at one of the hundreds of chairs in the gigantic meeting room for Ovexin. Many, many dragons were in the room, ready to talk about a predicament they were in.

"There's still a question to ask here, you know." Orizim, the current leader of Ovexin, snapped.

"Yeah, and what is that question?" Onyx demanded, slamming one of his scarred dark blackish talons on the table.

"During the war we had with Alterra." Orizim started. "When we both had two allies and fought almost evenly, how did we lose and were forced to sign a treaty?"

"They had the Architects on their side, and they had weaponry never seen before in battle." Kori suggested. The small red dragon sat across from Jafer.

"And then there's the Iceworm Initiative." Jafer said, coughing. "Ever since Ryley taught all those aliens how to swim, we have never escaped them every single time we invaded the planet. As then every single member of that initiative was on our tails every time. Even that Lukiea, who is Ryley's daughter."

"They have too much weaponry, and with all the Trans-Govs backing up Alterra, we will never stand a chance." Uriax snapped.

"We can get over those inconveniences." Orizim said. "But, we must find out how to get over those inconveniences that we will learn from to attack Alterra and get what we want from them."

"What if we kill Kiorn?" Hazo suggested. "If we kill him, then Alterra will crumble below his corpse."

"You know he named Ryley his successor, right?" Jafer snapped. "If you kill Kiorn, there's another leader ready to take his place right behind him, and Ryley's more dangerous than Kiorn."

"There's no fucking chance Ryley is deadlier than Kiorn who is like a hundred feet tall, can breathe fire, and is over four thousand years old." Larik snorted.

"Are you dumb?" Onyx demanded. "He's not only the overseer of Planet 4546B, but he also leads the Iceworm Initiative, and every single fucking Iceworm in existence listens to anything he says. He's also extremely high up in Alterra and next in line to lead it. And he also has that robot of his and Luki's prosthetic that can cut through anything like butter."

"You're the one that's dumb right now." Orizim chuckled. "We literally killed his robot wyvern by draining all his power to power our own weapon. Oh, and Luki's half blind and technically disabled."

"You haven't even fought Luki one on one, now haven't you?" Horix asked. "He may be half blind, but he can see just as well through that eye of his that's sealed shut just as well as he can through the other. And his other senses are honed to the max. And his stupid prosthetic is why I don't have my fucking wings anymore."

"You are literally forgetting about Ryley's wife, Liaria." Acroia said. "She's just as deadly as the other two, and the three of them as a trio are literal living death machines."

"Why don't we just kill either Ryley, Luki, or Liaria if they all are so deadly?" Xone suggested.

"You kill one or attempt to kill one, and the rest come after you." Jafer snapped. "You know how I attempted to murder Ryley thirty-two years ago, and Luki didn't take it all so well."

"Luki wasn't even that close to him back then, nor was he Ryley's brother-in-law." Acroia replied. She tapped her claws on the table.

"But when you try to kill someone in front of someone else, they probably won't take to you very kindly, Acroia." Jafer snarled.

"What if we just don't kill them and instead kidnap one of Ryley's and Liaria's kids?" Uriax suggested.

"There's not a chance you'll be able to snag Ryley's eldest daughter Lukiea." Xone laughed. "She fights like she's had twenty years of experience in the military even though she's only thirty, and she's tougher than she looks. I watched her kill my brother in the final fight of the war, and trust me, she fights exactly like her father and is the spitting image of him. What makes that worse is she looks a lot like him too."

"Ryley and Liaria have two other kids who are much younger than Lukiea." Hazo reminded Xone and pretty much everyone else.

"One of them is almost eighteen and there's a hundred percent chance that the one that's almost eighteen is going to join the Iceworm Initiative." Kori growled.

"We can also invade the planet when they least expect it." Jafer said. "Especially the Aurora's Crater, where there are citizens that live on the planet under its waves."

"The Architects have residency on the planet as well, Jafer." Acroia hissed. "And they have barriers and spaceships patrolling the planet twenty-four-seven. And those barriers expel any ship that is not Alterran or approved by Alterra."

"All of your ideas for getting back at Alterra are stupid and idiotic!" Orizim yelled. The meeting room fell in silence.

"Do you have an idea at all?" Onyx asked, he said it so quietly to his brother Orizim that Jafer almost didn't hear it.

"The thing is that Alterra, despite owning Planet 4546B, haven't explored the whole planet just yet." Orizim said, the tone in his voice sounding somewhat maniacal. "They only know about the Aurora's Crater and Sector Zero. If we invade a part of the planet they haven't even touched yet at all, they will not and won't be able to stop us, as they will be unfamiliar with that area. And if we find intelligent life out there on the planet they haven't gotten to yet, we can convert that intelligent life to our side and have more allies on our side to defeat Alterra."

"What if that intelligent life you speak of rejects us?" Larik asked.

"We can bribe them with freedom from everything, and then never deliver on our deals just so we do not have to pay them in return at all. Or, we can figure that out when we get there." Orizim answered.

"I think I can agree with this." Jafer said, crossing his arms. "And then maybe I can get a sort of revenge for how they burned and branded me and many others here."

Everyone else in the room shook their heads in agreement.

"Then, if we all agree, we will enact this plan." Orizim said, sounding as confident and maniacally as possible. "And finally, we will win against Alterra and get what we want from them." 

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